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Here's this month's first teaser! It's a little different than usual. I think the Halloween spirit is starting to take me over :O

Also, here's the Heaven and Hell costumes so you can see them in action. Enjoy!





Wow this looks great!


Looks great, can't wait to see Cynthia again. She's my favorite, glad you brought her back :)


Huh...Honestly, for the 1st teaser I'm not feeling it even after rewatching it multiple times. I definitely get the idea and I do think it's a good idea, but the jump into the hard music and sex scene kinda cuts off the interesting/curious feeling of the start. I can't say much on the music choice right now as I haven't heard the full song nor do I know how the rest of the video will play out, but it sounds a lot stronger than what's starting for the sex scene, so also a little concerning for this teaser at least. Actually the jump into the sex probably seems too sudden. Your girls are looking beautiful as always, and again, the start really does catch my interest. I know I keep saying it, but the shift in scene once she starts playing does dissuade me. When you put up the next teaser(s) I should have a better feel.


Well, the animation is still in very early development. The first part in this teaser is gonna be part of the intro but it won't cut like that to the sex scene. It should start slower. We should actually see Cynthia play a bit at first.

Kamlesh Solanki

I really love two Futas to a female - this is wonderful


Is that Phantom of the Opera?


Looks great,hope to see a dp.


Lindsey Stirling and POTO is always a win ;)