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There it is! This comics will conclude the Alicia X Amy story... for now! I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know if you'd like to see more story development like that in the future. I enjoyed doing it, though as I mentioned, I felt like 3 months in a row would have been too much.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed it, I'll see you soon with some teasers for my next video!




YES I LOVE IT, a casual hookup turning into a romance.

Ben Polk

Kinda sad, but still turned out really cute, i likes it =)


First off, nice job with the comic, its a cute ending and a nice twist on the typical story of both of them falling madly in love with each other instantly. Secondly, as far as the story aspects of the videos go, I enjoyed it, and the interaction between the characters during the videos, but I will have to admit a little fatigue did set in at seeing the same girls every month. I think it was a good choice to move to something different for now. And if I'm being entirely honest, personally the AmyxAlica pairing wasn't one of my favorites. I hope you don't take that too harshly, as the videos themselves were great and really showcased how your animation quality keeps improving, along with other improvements like lighting, but the two characters themselves didn't do much for me and I would have been more interested in a story featuring the girls from Time to Get Cozy, or Your #1 Fan for example. So to avoid myself rambling any further I'd say in the future for any story type videos my suggestions would be, 1: Don't worry about having to release the videos every month, feel free to leave some space in between and work on some other things for variety, and 2: Maybe put up a poll for some different characters that you'd be be interested in making a story for and let us vote on them, since we'd be seeing them more often than any other


Thanks for the feedback! It's perfectly fine that Amy x Alicia isn't your favorite pair. Ain't nothing wrong with it. I appreciate the honesty. And yeah, I think for these type of story, it should not go beyond 2 months in a row with the same characters. Variety is great. I also think that letting you guys vote for the next pair of story development could be a good idea. For now, I'm thinking about either Cassey and Rachel from When Class Is Over, or Valerie and Victoria from Time to Get Cozy. Mostly since they got ranked so high up from last year's character popularity poll, and because we didn't see them back since then. Eitherway, this isn't gonna be for now, as I have something planned for the next 2 months. So that means that maybe we'll get to see the next story for Halloween... we'll see.


Date, marriage, then pumped full of virile cum and knocked up ;D


need more comic then this...i wanna see how it ends lol..so far i like the story


Soo was Amy on the pill here, or is there a decent chance she got knocked up? ;)


I absolutely love these two. Please please do more


Hey TF! Been a long time fan of your work and just decided I needed to go on an fully support you through patreon! Love the comics, only feed back would be if they could be a tad bit longer, but that's my opinion and I have no idea about how much your work load is already. Also I love this pairing and their story line, would love to see it continue in the future once the burn out on them for you is gone lol. Anyway, Keep up the good work!


Thank you for the support! Make sure to check out the recently uploaded archives if you want to see all my patreon only contents! Im glad you're enjoying the comics. However they take a while to do and usually I'd rather spend more time on animations. I hope you understand! Have a nice day