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Hey everyone, I'm back home. I'm not gonna lie, the last few days were pretty rough, and we're not done dealing with all of it. But I'm back for now.

First off, thank you to all of you who kept supporting me even thought you didn't get any updates for a while. You are the best fans someone could wish for.

Now let's talk about what I'm planning to do.
My priority as of right now will be to finish the Part 2 of the Amy x Alicia video series (what was supposed to be June's video). I'll release it as soon as it's ready, and then work on the part 2 of the comic.
Then, I'll start working on Part 3 of the Amy x Alicia series, which will be released only on August. This way I'll have more time to work on it, and won't have to rush it too much. However, this also means that there won't be a "new video" in July, other than June's video.

This basically means that I'll be skipping a month. But this will allow me to spend more time on what I'm currently working on and allow me to give you guys higher quality content. This will also be the first month that I completely skip in 1 year and 6 month, which seems like a pretty good ratio to me. I hope you all understand.

Nonetheless, I'll keep posting WIP updates on what I'm working on. You'll also still be able to vote for a sex position this month, which will be featured in August's video. This means that 2 positions in total will be featured in that one video. I'll give more detail on the upcoming poll.

Anyway, thank you very much everyone for the support and kind words regarding the recent event. Times like these are very hard and to see that you all care meant a lot to me. I'll see you all soon.


Ben Polk

Im sorry for your loss m8, i really am. I hope you do well with coping and please dont rush or push yourself too hard, a great quality release is always the better of a hastily put together piece. Take care of yourself and i hope for best for you m8.


Nice to see you back and doing ok. Don't worry about the skipped month, you've always been reliable and its the first time you've missed a month since I've been a patreon and you've been very upfront about it. Plus with a longer dev time the Alica/Amy series will get the send off it deserves. Just me personally but if it would help save some time I'd be fine with you skipping the comic to start work on the next video sooner so you can focus all your attention there but obviously its up to you. Hope you stay well.

Icarus Media

Take all the time you need to mourn and don't worry about skipping a month, in 2 years of doing videos like yourself I recently had to because of computer failure. As long as you communicate as you have done I find patrons can be forgiving and wonderful about it.


Thanks for the update. Be well and safe.


Part 2 of the comic will kind of introduce what's going to be Part 3 so I can't skip it really. But with this month skip I should have enough time to do everything.

Kamlesh Solanki

My sincere condolences to you. I have been through this and know what it is like. Please take your time to grieve and work can wait.

Charles Bruce

Welcome back,but please don't feel you need to rush things,take your time and put out something that you are proud of,which will also make everyone happy.


Welcome back, sorry things are rough!