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It's way past midnight but here it is! The AC version of A Terrible 2018 is now available.

Alright so with that said, let's talk about the elephant in the room. So for those of you who follow me for a long time, you've probably noticed that I'm... almost always late on video delivery. It is not something that I do on purpose I swear. I have the bad habit of predicting very badly the amount of time I have to spend on something. I'm always like "Oh, I can do that in 3 to 4 days" but then it takes a full week or something. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry. I know that I have a problem, and I swear that I will do my best this year to overcome this bad habit of mine. For the meantime, thank you everyone for your patience and support, and please enjoy this video. ♥





Well, at least for me, i dont really mind the "lateness", cause i know some, who are by far worse than that. What I saw for now, its always at most a day or 2 late, but thats about it.

John McCarthy

"" Hey T.F "" don't even worry about it , there's a few out there that take months ... this one was something else ...

Arid Muse

For what you produce, I'll never mind if it's a bit late.


I think you are actually one of the creators that is pretty on time, to be honest. I've only been a patron for a couple months, but your videos were always as promised, 1 a month or so, including the AC not far behind. Thumbs up, man!


I see what you did there with the title, haha! Congrats on your hard work in 2018. It's been wonderful being a part of your community and being one of the few who got to see and experience you grow. While many may deny it, I believe what you've created isn't only just entertainment, but I also see it as art. Congrats to your characters Valerie and Victoria for making 1st place, and well done in sending off 2018 with a nice multishot finale. It's understandable that this would take you longer due to the aray of multiple characters. Lastly to compliment, Rachel's facial was wonderful. Have a great 2019, be well, be strong; live! I look forward to seeing what art your mind creates next. Ah, almost forgot. Perhaps you already plan this for each year, but I say having a poll for who's best girl at the end of each year, and making a video like this again would compliment your works. While it was more of a showcase of the girls, at the same time I feel it was a very nice way to somewhat look back at all your accomplishments.


Hey thank you very much Ryku. You're not the only one but you're one of the few who's been a patrons of mine for a really long time and to everyone who did the same, you are not unnoticed. I truly appreciate your support it's really nice to see that some of you actually stay for so long haha. I'm glad that you guys like my videos, and I also can't wait to show you what I have planned to do next. Finally I actually do plan to make a popularity poll every year and do this every January going forward. I'm glad that people seem to like the concept. Thanks again, you guys are amazing.


Thank you very much, It's right to say that I do 1 video each month, I jsut wish they were released a bit earlier. Somewhere around the 26-28 of the month's would be great instead of the usual 31st, 1st, 2nd. I just want people who intend to pledge for 1 month to actually get something before they are charged again. But anyway, I'm glad that most of you don't seem upset about it, I'm still willing to try to get it done earlier tho.


Hey thank you dude, you've been there for a pretty long time too and I really appreciate it. I'm glad that you enjoy my content. :)