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Hey everyone! Here's six Halloween costume for you to pick from, for Alicia to wear in this month's video. You can vote for multiple costumes, and the most popular one will be featured in this month's AC video for Patrons only. Though this isn't all! The second most popular costume will also be featured in the original, public version of the video! So two costumes will be featured, and you get to pick which ones!

Click right HERE to see the costumes! Just keep in mind that some of them won't always be "completed" since I'll have to remove some pieces depending on the scene. Also make sure to check out the other Poll I made for Amy's costumes as well!

You have until October 20th to vote, if there are ties, I'll pick the one that I prefer from them.



Love the bulge on the Killer of the Night ;D


Yeah, I don't actually control how big the bulge is. It's just part of the clothing. So I'd like to have large bulge on everything where there should be one but sadly, it's not always the case.


I know its the least "Halloweeny" choice but killer of the night is hitting on all of my fetishes.