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Looks like something leaked… just wasn’t the lion XD


Awesome work ruu ^ω^💙💙 *boop*


Lol I have this feeling that Yuzu is about to find out just how 'scary' she can be, (especially if he continues to insist on yelling in her face like that.) XD


It's a trap Ruu and Yuzu are gonna both be tiny babies by the time she is done with them. Even My character Jago who is quite the Rebel and strong suit teen. Would avoid her with all his power lol


As an incontinent Little Pupper, I feel bad for the Poor Guy in the last page, but even more worried for Yuzu after that outburst... Nice knowin' ya Yuzu! Also, may I have the Address of that poor Wolf in the last page? I got some spare diapers I can send 'im to help out with his personal confidence.... Mayhaps even help him leave his home in comfort of such..... potentially NOT happening again... Even if the diapers are dry, it's still a security blanket of sorts... All in all, Ruu and Yuzu have another thing coming... and I feel Yuzu is gonna have the worst of it for threatening the poor devil... As they say "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" or in this case, "don't piss off the devil that blesses you (with incontinence)" XD Keep up the amazing work Ruugiaruu, and I can't wait to see the next page on the 25th~ :P

Ruugiaruu (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 19:28:58 Thank you for the comment &lt;3
2022-05-21 06:31:03 Thank you for the comment <3

Thank you for the comment <3