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I heard you guys love wholesome?

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Island Otter

Awww, panda. He needs a hug


Wholesome as Quaker Oatmeal


He doesn't need a girlfriend. He needs a cute green boyfriend ^^


Because Ruu's character is based on me irl, he is a straight Panda and thus will have relation with GF (which also based on my GF irl) the one who will have a boyfriend later is Yuzu because he is a gay lion but he sees Ruu as his diaper partner or little brother #oops spoiler *run


Oooh *happy dance* fair enough. Love that you're incorporating yourself into the story. Can't wait to see how it turns out


Yay wholesome content


At a loss for words this hits a little too close to home for me from Kindergarten to 7th Grade I was bullied relentlessly until I took action. Kind of like Ruu did. From then on I had an upper class man friend who helped me get on my feet. I began to network out and establish a small group of friends. I owe that dude a lot for actually picking me up as they did.


Wonderful work though Ruu as always. Amazing job


i was bullied too, and when i do nothing they kept bullying me, so when we take action, they'll sometimes know their position~