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I have to tell you guys that i'm feeling depress right now. Before i finish Perseus artwork, i'm feeling that the way i do artwork right now cant get me more famous. The followers or patrol right now cant get my desire, it still so small althought i have worked being an artist for a year now. I really want the follower increasing much but still lack of what i want.

Yesterday 4 patrols quit supporting me and it make me more depressed. Maybe because i release artwork too slow than their expectation so they cant be patieng to keep support me, but it cant help that my schedule and work just so busy, if i cant complete work than i cant have money to keep going my drawing hobby, i'm still have my daily life, my friends, my family, all of you can understand that right?

I have asked people in Pixiv and Twitter to interactive my new Perseus post. If it cant reach what i want this time, maybe i need to off for a while to regain my motivation, right now it's not enough from the lack of people interact and support my work. I'm sorry if thats not what you guys want to hear. Hope anything can be good now...



I'm sorry to hear this. It's understandable, how hard is it to do work that no one appreciates. I hope things will be better soon!

Shiba Aoki

Alright, just like i thought, the interactive is still not good, so i dont want to do next part for Perseus. But i still have people cheering for me so i cant off now. Next time i will draw art for Hololive series, please wait for me :3


Thank you for you work! But if you need rest, take it. You shouldn't force yourself.