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"Outside The Walls Of Orvud District"

Thanks for being here with us! Once again, apologies if we misunderstand anything glaring! We love reading your comments so please remember to keep them spoiler free 😊 we really are just here to join you as fans and enjoy the show! We can say with our full chests that we love it, and we are even more anxious to get to the basement now 😂😅

Appreciate you all! Until the next one.
-Haylo & Kiss 💕


Xanakone SPT

" To save Mikasa, Armin and everyone else... You must learn to control this ability!"


Why Rod became such a massive Titan is one of the few things in this series that's never really been fully explained. One popular theory in the Fandom is his royal blood combined with the fact that he drank the fluid rather than being injected. Regardless, the scouts have a MASSIVE challenge ahead of them (literally hehehe)


I cannot wait for them to react to season 3, to see what theories and answers they come up with. This is truly exhilarating! I want to explain so much with detail but the journey would be ruined for them.


Just notice how Eren’s father was crying when he was trying to inject Eren and told him to save Armin and Mikasa. This show, proves again and again that it’s never black and white. So many ambiguities, nuances that makes you question whats truly just and what are the right actions to commit.


He is massive because he is old. All pure titans that are old are usually big add in that royal blood. Old people have thin hand and legs too 😅 Thats my theory, but with flaws


3x12 based on previous gap analysis


i think rods titan looking like that is because hes royal and historia broke his spine right before he transformed


Historia broke her Father's back that why his titan did not stand properly. Also, Eren's dad's dialogue, to save Mikasa and Armin..........

Auti O

'to save Mikasa and Armin' - NEVER FORGET THIS LINE

Green Hog

It’s huge and deformed because Rod Reiss took it the wrong way. Instead of injecting it, he licked off the floor and got it all over he’s face, so his transformation was different than all others.

Anna Kyruin

The show never actually says why Rod's Titan is so F'd up. There is a lot of speculation that people will say with confidence as though it's canon but the possible reasons are multitude. For example: He has royal blood, his back was broken, it got into his blood through a cut on his tongue Kenny gave him rather than a syringe, he didn't have enough in his system before he transformed, maybe he was a bastard himself and his mother was from some other bloodline, and a bunch of others that would be spoilers to even mention. It could also be all of the above. So don't feel bad if you like the rest of us aren't certain why.


Historia: sorry i thought of eating you Eren Mikasa: you thought about what bitch (tenses to attack) Haylo: calm down Mikasa shes didnt! perfect :) Historia strutting in Ymir's ghost: YOU GO GIRL!!!!!


Reiss & Bertolt's titan are dizygotic twins. They share the same spark from old sparky up in heaven name Zeus. Im not sure how accurate this is. I just made it up 😂 TGIF 🥳

Kevin Narciso

Definitely not me waiting on seeing Kiss cosplay Historia.


Caven killed by cave in. Hajime Isayama you have a twisted sense of humor.


This is what we think too after hearing a certain line in the near future!


Oh Danggg, (I think thats what Americans use), Anyways, extra attention on 3x19/20/21/22, including end credit scenes and slide shows. Love your reaction, cant wait to actually start the journey of AOT now.


It's because he took it the wrong way, you're supposed to inject it, that's how it was explained in the manga.

Zain kb

i cannot believe you already reached 3x13 because after that episode the pain just doesn’t stop in this show 😭

Regie Khemvisay

Historia and Eren’s relationship is so underrated..


Mikasa is so funny, she has fully carried that grudge against Levi for kicking and beating down Eren from that one time until now and is like "yess, you can punch that runt in the face when you're queen". Petty goals :D


Probably lucky his back was broken before transforming otherwise he would be so tall, even harder to get to the nape than the colossal

Eldrick Simmons

thank you Kiss. I will forever call Reiss "Slug Dad"

Zain kb

No it’s not. U probably didn’t see erehisu and eremika fighting every day on social media lol

Charles Malo

Alright sisters (@kiss @hayle), normally i have answers for you but... this time i have bad news and it's that some things cannot be answered to you RIGHT NOW, and maybe never, because you asked a question that was a hot topic for years before the anime was fully released.... So here's my spoiler free take on it. === So this episode has 3 things that really has the community up in ranks about "why" : rodd reiss's weird transformation into a gigantic slug, why he didnt want to turn into a titan himself, other than being a coward), and the bottle on the side that has "armor" on it. And while people are giving individual answers for each, i have a theory/answer that might answer ALL of the three unknown questions in ONE. so hear me out please :D and i'll try to act vague when i can, so i apologize for intentionally mixing theories with conjectures and "known facts" because i dont want to railroad your theories... you make your own, but here's mine: -- There's hopefully a PARTIAL answer to ALL of these questions much much MUCH later, who knows, because people still argue about it between anime and manga and just fan forums, but all I can say is that at the time that I saw that episode, what "I" was under the impression of is that Rodd Reiss, after losing his family to Grisha Yaeger that night, has spent 5 years going through his stash and experimenting with different types of spinal fluids or concoctions. And so he might have even had tried to gain access to Annie's body sealed in the crystal, or some residue of her body fluids like from that one "OVA episode", where MAYBE he knew more than others and managed to salvage some of her dna, or maybe he just had that DNA or "Armor" and "collossal" and other concoctions of different shenanegans of "smart titans or titan shifters" on hand from somewhere, or maybe from before King Fritz's "founding titan" erased everyone's memories except a few families like him... So my point is, i think that after he lost his family to grisha, remember what he said to eren? He said that his daughter Frida had the STRONGEST power of all titans but she was too novice to use it properly, and grisha caught her early enough to steal it from her before she knew how to tap it into it... So my theory is that out of fear of losing that "bloodline" of reiss AGAIN, he made a special "blend" of different spinal fluids to give it to Historia that has fluids similar or synthethic or stolen or stored etc from colossal and armored and annie etc... all so that he can stop "another" yaeger fanatic from disrupting the bloodline ever again... And THAT is both why there's an armor bottle label AND why ross didnt want to take the serum himself: Because the concoction is something unholy that he made using those labeled leftover bottles (which fell out of Rod Reiss' bag when Historia was looking for a key or maybe when Kenny tried to steal some bottles during his attack on rod reiss ? who knows... But that would explain why there's this labeled armor bottle (a scientic experiment to try to imitate a fake version or diluted version of the powers of the titans to give it to histora) and why HE, rod reiss, was too chicken shit to be the first one to try it because he didnt know how the transformation of mixed blended serums will affect any human, not just him, so he was using Historia as a literal Guinea pig for him instead of taking it himself.... Because that's how scared and petty and paranoid he was... but i guess we can't call him paranoid seeing that he was right: the transformation was unholy and created this giant Slug Titan lol... and he intended historia to be that maybe? Or maybe it's a combination of his drinking that mixture, or maybe he diluited it too much and so the different parts of different titans , like unstable chemicals, reacted together mixing bleach and soap, or baking powder and vinegar and then poisoned his body transformation unnaturally... Again, there's a PARTIAL answer to "one" of the things i said above, i wont say what, to keep it a bit vague, BUT that's my theory at least... and i still stand by that theory, good or bad, confirmed or not... and it allowed me to keep watching the show without dwelling too much on these unanswered questions all the way to the later seasons.

Zain kb

Mikasa told historia to hit levi because he traumatized her in the manga, she wasn’t sure that she was fit to be the queen and he was mad at her but they didn’t animate that scene lol 😭


but its for different reason. It was in Manga but not animated.

Charles Malo

i mean, as a former "big body person" myself, i've had days where I would drop a pen on the ground and turn into a slug titan too. So the obvious answer is that Rodd Reiss just kept skipping leg day... and arms day, and spine day, and fathers' day.

Isac christensen

The work in progress Titan: The episode 😎