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We saw our first background ghost and we are forever traumatized. GREAT... Did you catch that one on your first watch through??
So anxious for this story to unfold! Loving everything about it so far!

Thank you so much for being here on Patreon. Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Carlos Cantu

Forgot this was coming today! Perfect timing cause I just finished making my dinner haha 😄

Ben Hairston

I like this episode for the clues it gives, but the questions raised by the new info we're given almost puts us back to square one. You both had good insights in the discussion, but can't say anymore because spoilers.....good job though to one or both of you about the thing you said that time.... Looking forward to episode 8!!

Zack Edwards

The reaction to your first background ghost is top tier! That is one of my favorites too! Once you wrap up Hill House there is plenty of videos and articles that will point out all of the hidden ghosts throughout the series, its fun to see how many slipped pasted you because you were too focused on the story or other parts of the scenes. As for not wanting to live in Massachusetts for the law about reporting a death in a house, as a resident... honestly fair, between the weather and the Massholes thats really the only reasons you need.

Colton Piper

That was the only background ghost I caught through my first watch through. I had no idea there were even background ghosts.

Rabbid Dawg

Time to search for all the background ghosts in previous episodes! There are a handful in each! :)


Im on a weight loss journey and I've been walking mornings and nights but after watching this series, the night walks have become a little more frightening and exhausting. Every time I hit a dark spot, which is every block, I'm always expecting the Bent-Neck-Lady to drop out of nowhere 😱 so best get it all out in the morning 😂

Anders Thomsen

Not reporting deaths in a house to buyers is not that bad. It doesn't really help to know anyway. I've lived in several 80+ year old building in my life, so chances are that someone at some point has died in my apartment... never seen a ghost

Isac christensen



Well spotted with the ghost! First time I've seen it, since it's so clear, unlike various statues and stuff that change a bit from shot to shot.

Charles Malo

i tried rewatching to see that. Did i miss it again. Do you have a timestamp or context of what they were looking at?

Charles Malo

i tried rewatching to see that. Did i miss it again. Do you have a timestamp or context of what they were looking at?


Congrats on seeing your first hidden ghost, there's so many in the previous episodes and upcoming episodes so keep a keen eye on the background. Starting to get some clues/answers to the house but now it just causes more questions. At this point I was starting to get Steven, before I just outright hated him but now I could understand (not agree) with his behaviour and how scared he was. To him admitting all the things he was seeing as real would not only break his illusion and his mind, but imagine the amount of guilt and hate to yourself you'd feel when realising all you'd said and done to your family members, knowing they were right all along, was a large part in the fracturing of your family. If he'd supported Luke, helped Nel, wasn't responsible for Shirley and Theo's animosity, maybe this wouldn't have happened. That level of responsibility in such a short space of time is too much to bear, so in his mind better to keep the world he knows intact. He's afraid like the others and maybe knows he's been wrong all this time, he just doesn't have the strength in him to have his "reality" come crashing down, he's scared shitless and understandably so. Love how when given context your view and opinion begin to shift, just as you two are starting to do with Hugh (the dad), who became my fave character by the end. Can't wait for you guys to see the finale

Charles Malo

Nevermind I just realized that they yelled and reacted to the ghost in the backgroudn peeking and not the body in the wall. The video was lagging for me so I didn't notice the frame skips :D

Charles Malo

Nevermind I just realized that they yelled and reacted to the ghost in the backgroudn peeking and not the body in the wall. The video was lagging for me so I didn't notice the frame skips :D

Zack Edwards

21:00 mark you can see it by the light in the background. It gets more prominent as the scene progresses. That specific hidden ghost happens to be a few more shots in the basement but I don't think any of those shots made it into the sisters edit.


Just imagine the bent neck lady in an 80's exercise video attire as if she's going out for a walk too and it'll be all good. In seriousness though good luck on your weight loss journey, takes a lot for people to take that step towards losing weight and keeping it up can be tough, I know I'm a stranger on the internet and all but just know that I'm rooting for you, you got this and no bent neck lady can stop it


We feel this! Always feel uneasy and like I'm seeing faces in the darkness now... 😂 Still loving it though. Best of luck on your journey! You can achieve your goals, no doubt! 💕

Liam Kampff

Mr. Dudley's monologue, such an underrated moment in this show. Absolute chills.