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The wild theories are beginning 🧠
We have no idea what's going on but we're loving every second of it. This one was a bit more disturbing but wow, what a gift Theo has. Can't wait to know more!

Thanks for all of your love and support here on Patreon. Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕




Great questions and speculation! Theo is such an interesting character and it does sound like most of the kids have some kind of mild power, with Theo's being the most explicit. I think (just speculation) that Theo's ability is to sense emotions and feelings through skin (and sometimes skin cells left over in places, hence the couch and the bed) but not future. She just knew the dad was guilty and that if they leaned on him hard enough, he would fold, not really her powers telling her about it.


Oh this thumbnail. U look so so pretty and beautiful KISS. I LOVe you!


It's great that Mike Flanagan realised the best way to tell a horror story is to take your time. Each episode gives detailed insight into each family member, Steven in the first, Shirley in the second and Theo in the third. Also based on what little you guys know of them, it also descends by age by episode and it almost seems to indicate how little to how much each was effected by the house too. With the youngest of them on drugs or dead and the eldest outright denying the existence of what occurred in the house. There's also an interesting theory in regards to the family members that I won't divulge til later but I'd be interested to see if you catch on to it. That's the great thing about this show, on the surface it's an enjoyable horror series, below it there's some very deep thematic ideas explored

Sherin Nahed

I love your reactions! you are on to something with the theories


You girls are asking all the right questions, great reaction!

Charles Malo

interesting take on the kids and the "senses". I surprisingly never thought about this at that time. I was thinking more of grief handling back then, but you may be onto something ! If we follow your logic and apply some Demon Slayer logic to it: - Nell : Sound, "loud" - Theo: Touch, "feels stuff, empathy?" - Luke: Smell "it smells weird here ? i dont smell anything" - Sherley : Speaking/Taste? (Mouth-based? The mom said that Sherley speaks odd things in her sleep). - Steven: SIGHT : he was asleep almost the entire night and didnt SEE any of it according to theo, and he's the most skeptical one out of the bunch that denies everything and literally needs to "see it to believe it" kind of pragmatic guy.

Anders Thomsen

Kiss, you're a scream queen. It's awesome ;)

Tu N

We won't admit it, but those of us that enjoy this genre love watching with people like you both lol. It doesn't phase me the way it does you two and it's hilarious fun to see it experienced differently.

Isac christensen

I will a 100% admit Kiss you are braver than me I looked away for most of the cellar stuff. Mr smiley got right i my face though.