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"Happy Progress Day!" 

Unedited version! You'll have to sync your own copy of the show in order to watch along with us. Sorry this one is late this morning, it was processing over night!

Thanks for being here! 💕




It was so funny the airship versus blimp conversation came back and round in the episode. XD


What a great reaction video! You seem to get more and more comfortable with your full-length reactions. 😊 Aaand... enter grown-up Caitlyn Kiramman, my number 1a favorite of all characters in this show. I suppose this doesn't come as a surprise to you Haylo. 😅 I really liked Caitlyn from the beginning, even in those short glimpses at her in the first act. She has a kind heart, is clever, confident and determined, has a sharp mind and a straight moral compass. She also has that naivety and hunger for seeing the world of someone who grew up sheltered and has never seen anything really bad. (As Milo said: "Just get born lucky.") She even said so herself: "She [her mother] would do anything, to keep me from seeing the real world." Though imo this naivety isn't necissarily a bad thing, I hope she can keep a little bit of that. The way this show is going, I doubt it though, I guess she'll learn a few bitter lessons. She already had the first reality check by seeing her fellow enforcers die in front of her. 😨 My love for her only grows throughout her story arc in the following episodes. My number 1b has yet to be revealed in one of the later episodes. 😊 I noticed several interesting things in your reaction. First, Kiss you mused that it was the right decision of Jayce to stick with Heimerdinger and postpone the grand reveal. The beauty of this show is it's realism in terms of psychology, trauma and consequences. Everything every character does has consequences, just like in the real world. So there is no right or wrong side, both points of view are perfectly understandable. In this case caution caused by traumatizing experiences versus the need for progress for the society. 🤔🙂 Another example: Powders actions seven or eight years ago killed her family. This combined with Vis (totally understandable) reaction broke Powder beyond repair. Yes, she made a little Claggor-puppet and a lifesize Mylo-mannequin. (And wrote bla bla bla all over it! 😱) Mylo, who always nagged and complained about her, became her subconciouses voice of guilt and self-loathing. She is a broken little girl in the body of a young woman. 😭 The way she painted on the things at Silcos desk or makes "flying sounds" while playing with Silcos medical devise shows her childlike personality inside. 💔 Secondly, you seemed to feel uncomfortable with the relationship between Silco and Jinx - good, thats exactly what the creators wanted you to feel like. They have a twisted father/daughter relationship. Silco ist traumatized and broken in his own way (nearly drowned by Vander) and probably not the best person to raise a traumatized little girl, so their relationship has this weird edge. 🤔 Thirdly yes, Jinx tattoos (which are blue clouds of smoke, actually) have a deeper meaning, as does every little detail in this show, one of the many reasons why I love it so much. So keep the look of Jinx' and Vis tattoos in mind.😉 For example Vis face tattoo: She has her name as roman numbers V and I tattooed on her face - V=5, I=1, both together VI=6, her prison number is 516. 😱💖 Fourth and final: Jinx didn't shoot at the poor pink haired girl because she thought it was her sister. When she thought it was Vi, she froze and relived her trauma. (So spot-on equally beautiful and terrifying pictured) She started shooting after she realized the girl isn't Vi, which angered and confused her and she - as Sevika put it - "lost her shit" when she got attacked by the leader of the firelights. Oh yes, and keep those beautiful mechanical butterflies in mind, that you loved so much, you saw Jinx working on them in her lab. 😉 Finally I would like to know: Who are your favorite characters at this point in the story?😊


Oh and did I mention that councillor Mel Medarda is probably the most beautiful animated character I've ever seen...😍💖


Here is your plushie :} https://merch.riotgames.com/en-us/product/white-poro-plush

Ilsuk Yang

So, Google says it's a 6-year time skip, but I've seen figures from 4 to 8 years, so take that with a grain of salt. If it is indeed 6 years, then Jayce is 30 years old here, which, in our world, would be too young to become president of the USA! 😮😬They're essentially giving almost unfettered power to a nobody ( a very well-to-do nobody, but still a nobody in the eyes of anyone "important")! As we see with the decisions that Jayce makes in this episode, there isn't a clear cut right or wrong choice to make here. Each side of the coin has its own merits and disadvantages. He chose to ere on the side of safety and caution, which is commendable for a young man thrusted suddenly into a seat of tremendous power and authority! I won't mention Caitlyn too much since silverarrow06 (is that your birth year? God I feel old 🤣) already did a great job with that (same with Jinx). Caitlyn's deductive and inductive reasoning and investigative prowess are on full display here. I've always loved the reveal of Vi at the end of the episode. The first time I watched this episode, I was like "You know who we haven't seen yet..." then, boom, she's there lol Councilor Medarda is definitely a politician through and through and we see the gears in her head constantly churning. She sees Jayce as a wonderful opportunity and pawn in her schemes and gets her webs into him early on. I'll be interested to see what y'all think about her machinations of intrigue in Piltover's political power struggle 😉 I could write a lot more, but I want to see what y'all think about episode 5 🤣🤣🤣