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Ramblings and praises for this amazing show! Let us know how these episodes made you feel!!

Thanks all 💕
-Haylo & Kiss



The thing that made me realize this show was going to be different wasn't actually Powder killing her adopted family, but when Vi punched her. It's obviously a much smaller thing in scale, but the writers being willing to have their protagonist punch her distraught little sister in the face and trusting the audience to understand and not hate her for it was really impressive to me. Also, the first 30 seconds of episode one hooked me as well. I got to watch this show the best way possible, as soon as it came out, long before the hype, with zero expectations. I saw it on NF and thought "a League show? That'll be shit. I'll watch 30 seconds just to see how bad it is." Never been happier to be proven wrong so quickly.


Thank you for not picking on Mylo for his behaviour towards Powder. Finally someone who has a different view on his behaviour. 🙂 Yes, he is sometimes mean and petty, but that is nothing unheard of in sibling relationships. He is a teenager too, and very inseucure in himself. He looks up to Vi (just look how he bandages his strong arm like Vi, how her scolding him for belittleling Powder gets to him, how he imitates Vis way of dressing) and gets his sense of self-worth from Vis praise, very much like Powder. So he sees her as rival for Vis approval and treats her like this, all the more since she has the advantage of being blood-related to Vi. He doesn't see the effect his constant complaining has on Powders self-esteem. As for Claggor, I think he could have grown into a better version of Vander, with his quiet charisma, his calming and yet determined behaviour and his strong physics, but without (younger) Vanders temper. He may have been soft-spoken, but he was strong, emotionally and physically. He and the equally charismatic, but way more hotheaded Vi, who always tries to solve problems with her fists, would have made for great leaders of the underground one day. It's so sad that we will never see it happen. 😭 This is all filed under "What could have been." (Silent and sad nod to the final episode 😔)


This is almost how I got to know the show, only I never heard of LOL before and was hooked with the first teaser, because it looked so incredibly awesome. 🤩