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E81 - Are You Happy? the Doctor Called Witch!
E82 - Dalton's Resolve! Wapol's Corps Land On the Island!
E83 - The Island Where Snow Lives! Climb the Drum Rockies!

Thank you for watching with us! We appreciate all of your support so much! LOVED these episodes (Except for that one part) and we can't wait for the next 3. Thanks for your suggestions and reminders for the best experience. Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕




Woop woop🫶🏼🥳


Ooooh yes :) triple episode specials ❤️❤️❤️

draeonic 🪼

nooo right when my meeting is about to start 😭 but also YAY


I love that when fished out of the avalanche both Usopp and Zoro saw each other at the entrance to the afterlife, with the River Styx and the field of flowers. That was a fun little gag.

Andrea D.

3 episodes?! You're pampering us <3 Thank you!

Gary Oaks

Thursday can't come fast enough!

David Tang

Hooray for 3 episodes




Please make the next one with 3 episodes too!

Morgan Hellström

Is consider spoilers. Cause things get explained later. Not suppose to really understand this right now.


You will both come to realize that Zoro looks good in everything😍😂can’t wait for Thursday! Be ready for emotional episodes incoming!


Can't wait for season 2 of opla to see cgi chopper


cant wait for the next 3😩

John Paul

Thank you for the 3 piece I enjoyed every second of it. Your reaction to small Chopper was amazing.


Guys can you please stop giving spoilers. You are ruining the show! Do not mention anything please!


that was one of the best moment of luffy as captain in the all series for me there is nothing he wont do for his friends very emotional no matter how many times i see this episodes i start cry


"a bad pirate wont be okay with democracy" IRL pirates basically being a democracy be like NANI.

draeonic 🪼

I love that they basically predicted the M***. But also. YOUTHFUL DOCTOR KUREHA MY BELOVED

pink turtle

Hahaha, you guys don't have to read too much into the field of flowers and river. They were just joking, basically saying they were at the river of hades (aka brink of death, border of the netherworld). Excited to have you guys learn all the different fruit types.


The anime will state this when ready, why do people always explain early like this? Yall are acting just like youtube comments now.

Mitch Davis

Ha that's what we think now until it gets revealed as a 1100 chapter long foreshadowing!


we need more 3eps uploads please!!

Stick Haul

yall should just always do three episodes of one piece lol

Hans Wurst

Doc Kureha is amazing. We're all hoping they will be doing her justice in the second season of OPLA. And Luffy climbing the Drum mountain is still one of his most impressive feats considering where he is at now, strenght-wise.

Lucia Petrozzi

This is when Luffy became my captain. I still struggle looking at that scene as it's very painful to see him like that. But that's the difference between Luffy and everyone else, he would risk his life to save his nakama.


thank you guys for the triple <3 , also awesome reaction. :D

Jackie Wilson

I'm so glad we got 83 in this batch as well! It is still to this day one of the most painful episodes to watch, but it displays Luffy's loyalty to his own friends so well! Good stuff!

Mister Kap

Commenters have no control when it comes to spoilers. Why not just tell them all the major plot points of all the episodes to current, save yourselves some time.


if you die you spawn back in the netherlands, you heard it here first


Every time I watch this arc I wonder how terrifying Luffy would be if he’d eaten the Munch Munch fruit instead of the Gum Gum fruit. I mean he’s always ravenously hungry and putting the whole world on the menu…scary to even think about.


I would watch the next 3 together 😁


“He has a medical condition that his doctors haven’t fixed” made me die laughing🤣🤣🤣


When people in one piece are on the brink of death they go to the Netherlands, noted.

Adam Aucoin

I hope 3 episodes is the new norm!!

Ryan Searle

Bunny Hill joke was top tier


I'm late to the party this time but let's go hehehe




In japanese culture seeing a “field of flowers or a river.” Practically a place that is serene and calm is a indication of the afterlife. Like a heaven of some sort


why would u tell them its a spoiler when they don’t even know it’s a spoiler???


A captain being the captain


Netherlands made me almost choke on my coffee xD


Woo, Doctor Kureha and her mysterious reindog friend who changes sizes maybe? Can't wait for you guys to see more! Also thank you for the triple drops for these two sets. I hope you'll agree after you see them that it was well worth watching them all together in bursts of three


Luffy is such an absolute numpty 90% of the time that you forget how reliable and unstoppable he really is once his friends are in danger or need him. What a legend, scaling that freezing cliff with literally just his bare hands and feet while carrying two people


Good catch on the "Zoan type". Perhaps there are other types as well and you can catch what they may mean later


You've probably been told, but the next 3 episodes should definitely be watched togehter. Great reaction!

Aison Magday

Let the waterworks begin ToT

Jonathan Charles

"Shell-phones" is an excellent pun that I haven't noticed in the 10 years I've watched this show. Probably because I call it a mobile phone, but still.

Isac christensen

Yeah it is pain inducing just watching the climb. :O

Daniel Atkinson

This arc is utter perfection! I am hyped to relive it with you guys.

Gangster Gastino

This climb is one of my favourote moments in the show


The way you guys get funnier with every reaction! Also the face you made “why does Zoro look so good in that jacket” I FEEL YOU LMAOO

Kilie Morton

“Whys she so trendy” I always think that when I see her too like 😭😭girls got style


I remember watching that Luffy climb for the first, I also struggled to see it

william munoz

Another saying they use when some one is close to death is seeing them by a river. Like when ussop said he saw zoro by a river a place he frequents a lot