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"The Abyss Of Life"

SHEESH this show is incredible. Cannot believe that reveal at the end! What did you all think after seeing this?? Any insight on Ochiba and Lady Daiyon's relationship? Top tier writing/acting/set design/ and everything else in between. Thanks for watching with us! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕




The ending of this episode absolutely destroyed me when I first watched it. It really goes to show the difference in regards to the loyalty people in this show have to Toranaga. Yabushige for the longest time has believed to be on a sinking ship, a snake willing to turn tail to Ishido, Hiromatsu was willing to sacrifice himself to solidify Toranaga's lie for the sake of his scheme/plan. That moment between Toranaga and Mariko was hard to watch through teared up eyes lol. In regards to Lady Daiyon she was the actual wife to the Taiko but because she couldn't bare a child for him, Ochiba, a consort, did.


FINE!! You win! I'll watch this shogun show with you but only because the wait for One Piece is killing me xD

Niler Wuthichaikul

What I understand is Lady Daiyon took Ochiba in after her family was destroyed and made her a consort of Taiko, which made Lady Daiyon feel like Ochiba is her daughter in some way. Additionally, I believe Ochiba needs to get rid of Lady Ochiba (by killing her) in order to marry Ishido - if the actual wife is still alive you cannot marry another man or maybe just simply Ochiba knows Lady Daiyon will oppose this so she just kills her.

Mahad Ali

The show runner said that Toranaga did not intend or want Hiromatsu to commit seppuku. He was pretty devastated by it. His plan was for the generals to oppose him. And their opposition and refusal to backdown would necessitate their offering seppuku. And Toranaga would accept it. The rational is that these generals have commanded his armies for decades. He would not let them commit seppuku unless he was determined to surrender. (Or at least what he wanted Osaka to conclude.) Things were all going to plan until Hiromatsu saw one of the generals start to draw his sword and Hiromatsu decided to take their place and offer seppuku himself. Its clear from the people on the show that he didnt know of Toranaga’s plan… but (my guess) is that he knew that his death would be much more meaningful than the generals — i.e., If this wasnt an act, It would wake Toranaga up from his defeatism.. and if it was an act, it would be much more convincing to Osaka.

Mahad Ali

I can’t provide a link to the podcast episode for some reason. But u can find it on youtube under “FX’s Shogun Official Podcast”. (I highly recommend listening to each episode. The podcast really enriched my experience watching the show because it provides so much historical context and the actors provide much needed insight into the character’s they portray.)


I'm going to recommend The Last Samurai movie if you're looking for more stuff like this. It takes place in the late 1800s Japan rather than the 1600s like this show.

Mahad Ali

I think the seppuku scene was one of the most powerful and tense moments of television i’ve ever seen. It’s astonishing how well it was done.

Mahad Ali

Also Hiroyuki Sanada stated that the actor who played Hiromatsu took that roll because of that scene.