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"Declaration Of War"

We got a few messages from some of you letting us know that these next 3 eps would make a good triple upload. We're just not able to swing that editing this time guys and gals, so sorry! We hope you still know that we love and appreciate you all! This ep though...another massive info dump leaves our heads spinningggg, nervous to see where this goes tbh. Thanks for watching! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕




I believe that when Eren had said,”Like I thought, I’m the same as you.” “I keep moving forward. Until I destroy my enemies” he means that he is like Reiner in the way that Reiner kept pushing forward on his mission when he was there to destroy the people of paradise and like Reiner, Eren will push forward here and continue the mission until his enemies are destroyed. Bert had even said back on paradise in the episode Descent, Bert had told Armin, during their face off on the roof before mikasa shows up, that he still views them all as “precious comrades” but that they still needed to die. Another example of you’re my friend but you’re also still my enemy 😭 truly heartbreaking to be put at odds with one another when in another reality they would all be amazing friends. War sucks ☹️