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E48 - The Town of the Beginning and the End! Landfall at Logue Town!
E49 - Kitetsu III and Yubashiri! Zoro's New Swords and the Woman Sergeant Major!

We made it to Louguetown! Can't wait for this!
We are undecided on whether we want to make the complete switch to unlisted YT vids. We will probably just use that as a backup if Patreon is having trouble, and for now we'll stick with how we have been doing things. Thanks so much for watching with us! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Ignas Anusevičius

I hope everyone have a nice day :) Lets go


A day with these two girls watching One Piece is a big win. smile the whole day everyone


You were 100% on the new intro being something you'd find on Dance Dance Revolution, it's a genre called Eurobeat which was really popular in Europe (obviously) and Japan which is why there's so many DDR songs that have that kind of rhythm. It was VERY popular around the 2000s which is why that intro was in that style but you don't really hear it anymore. I went through a HUGE Eurobeat phase back when I started college lol.

Salman '96

Man I miss that opening. It had a charm to it

Vaby da Kat

Captain smokes-a-lot hahaha

Jamie Fraser

I suggest you look at the last 30 second's of the netflix show last episode, you might see something that makes sense now 👀.

Drew Sims

We actually see Old Smoky in the live action during the execution scene!

Kai Raine

Luffy spazzing was an anime-original device to extend this arc, which was much shorter in the manga (he only had to find his way to the execution platform once). Loving your reactions as always!


You girls finally met the most famous guy in One Piece: Ask D Question

Jon Clarke

I am still in my Eurobeat phase. Rewatching Initial D will do that to you.


I think Zoro in the sword shop is what I'm looking forward to most at the beginning of Season 2, I'm sure they'll do that scene justice.


I still have a ton of Eurobeat songs on my Spotify playlists, lol. It's dangerous to watch Initial D and then have Eurobeat playing in your car.

Jonathan Charles

Whatever notebook you have, I'd get at least two more xD

Green Hog

Luffy obviously has extreme ADHD. Zorro doesn’t give a damn anymore after losing to Hawkeye. Buggy luckiest unlucky guy in the world? Smokey and Tashigi great together


For clarification since the subs were a bit off (12 & not 21 first grade) for the names of the different Meito - 12 Supreme Grade swords: Mihawk's sword Yoru - 21 Great Grade swords: Wado Ichimonji (Kuina's family heirloom) - 50 Skillful Grade swords: Yubashiri (non-cursed freebie) - Grade swords (all the other named swords): Sandai Kitetsu (cursed freebie) & Kuina's sword Oda's idea for Sword Grades comes from Japan's Edo period. Where in the 18th century, there were "tosho" (sword testers) who traveled around, assessing the quality of swords & writing books about them


Hello Ladies!!!

Orange cookies

“My pant ate your ice creams”💀😭


Enter Captain Smoker, the first marine in the anime, besides Coby and ignoring Garp since he hasn't turned up in the anime yet, who's a decent guy. He's also got a badass design and personality, also of note he's the third confirmed devil fruit user so far in the story besides Luffy and Buggy, can't wait for you to find out what his power is. Also I love the Buggy moments in this arc, Carissa is spot on with how great the Luffy and Buggy dynamic is, like watching a Laurel and Hardy sketch each time they walk into the same scene. Can't wait to see how they do the Zoro and Kitetsu moment in live action


The legendary ask D. Question


This is the last mini-arc of the ProLogue of One Piece . From now on, the real adventure begins.

Churchill Ngai

As someone that prefers the source material over the anime, I have to say that I'm so happy you guys continued the journey. I've only watched the anime once (unfortunately stopped midway when I felt the pacing was off) but watching with 2 nakamas experiencing it the first time and vibing along the one piece, gives me the same euphoria as reading the latest chapter that Oda Sensei cooks for millions of us. With him taking a 3 week break, your content fits right in for the community... The One Piece is real, I hope you guys catch up without any spoilers 🙏🏻 Oda is now setting the stage for the finale and it would be a historic moment for sure when the strawhats achieve their dreams, Many tears of joy await...


I really like that part. Smoker the badass marine (from his appearance) is in fact just a nice person :)

Proto Mundi

Finally caught up. It's such a blast to relive my childhood with you. The grandline is waiting.


Girls you are going to love captain smokey. Hes one of my favorite marines in this show. You will like a couple of them. Thanks for the reaction ❤

Adam Aucoin

That part with the kid and the ice cream is important because up until this point almost every marine has been human garbadge lol, but Smoker shows for the first time they arent all bad.


It rarely comes up in the anime tbh. The ranks of some famous swords are only revealed in additional data books. But it's still a good idea to keep the grades in mind


Just some quick notes now that you are continuing: the ending themes are worth watching, even if it's just for yourselves. They're cute and sometimes bops. Also please ask in your discord about openings that have spoilers so you can skip them for a while. There is one specific example I'm thinking of in an arc later that is a major spoiler so you should not watch that until a certain plot point is done. Good on you guys for not looking at the titles, too, they can also be super spoilery. Loving the reaction and Luffy and Buggy are just the A+ duo of absolute clowns that are also super dangerous when they're serious. I love them!


Also love that you're calling Tashigi (sword marine) Kuina, haha. Love that Zoro is literally like screw it, let's see if this super sharp sword will take my arm off, no problems but is completely nonplussed when dealing with a swordmaster who looks just like his childhood bestie.

klairvoyance (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 16:02:41 yeah was meant to be more of a fun fact (& translation for the subs) I wouldn't worry too much about remembering all these tiny details lol so sorry if that came off wrong^^
2024-03-29 10:29:38 yeah I meant it as more of a fun fact / note for the missing translation, so pls don't feel pressured to remember all these details lol sorry if that came off wrong

yeah I meant it as more of a fun fact / note for the missing translation, so pls don't feel pressured to remember all these details lol sorry if that came off wrong

Ben Asay

This is where some major world building starts! I'm excited to relive the journey 😎


Ask D. Question, the legend. Without him there wont be One Piece

Vaughn Taukinukufili

Something I love about Zoro is how straightforward and all-in he is. Of course plot armor is a thing from a narrative perspective, but if we take it from a first person perspective, he was totally just ready to accept that his arm was GONE lol. We've seen already how loyal he is to Luffy, and as the story progresses, we'll get to see more and more of not only his loyalty, but his ambition. Zoro is always so cool because he is THE definition of "Go big or go home"