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Super excited for this after seeing the first episode! Can't wait to see some Samurai action. Any insight/history lessons would really make our day, we're intrigued! Thanks for watching and we'll see you on the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕

P.S. We've been waiting on the Full Length to post this, but it's been uploaded and stuck on processing twice in the past 24 hrs. We will get that up as soon as Patreon lets us!



David Walker

I just started watching this too, and can't wait to watch it with you guys the latest two episodes have been crazy


gonna wait for the full length, this'll be my first time watching as well :D


Nice!!!! Can’t wait to watch this with you guys.


Mine too, I held off waiting because I had a feeling it would win their poll, and I was waiting for the season to end


So the characters are based on historical figures, would advise on holding off on the history lessons till you're done, as it will actually spoil some stuff, lol.


Just gonna say, that as far as details go, cultural and linguistic, the show is extremely historically accurate, it's just the character journeys that are fictitious. Language-wise, modern Japanese have a hard time understanding what's being said, because the language they're using was appropriate for the period, but has evolved ALOT since then. That's what I love the most about Japanese history, everything is so well documented in both writing and illustrations.


He does indeed have a very colourful vocabulary. 😂

Ciarra Jade

I havent seen this yet, i been waiting for you guys to react to it.. i hope the full length finally processes soon


YESSSS GREAT CHOICE!! Just saw the new episode today, what great news yall starting this 😄😄

Daaylen Watson

Waiting on the full length, Episode 2 was when I got hooked.


I've absolutely been loving this show and I know you two will love it, it only gets better from here. Great cast, great cinematography, great political intrigue and philosophy bolstered by incredible character driven storytelling. I've also heard it's been getting critical acclaim in Japan as well for the authenticity of the show. If it doesn't receive a wealth of awards after it's finished it'll be one the biggest crimes in the medium of television.

Salman '96

I was just about to start watching this series myself

Spencer Wattamaniuk

Well I did need an excuse to watch this! Looking good so far.

Rainy Days

I'm so hyped for you two watching this!!! Let's go!!!


I saw the original Mini-series in the 80’s but this is just as good as that one, if not better😊


Best show on tv right. Hands down.

B.G. (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-26 23:04:51 I watched the first adaptation from 1980 as a kid (late 80s, early 90s). It was a huge TV event back in the day, even outside the US. Here is the original trailer and a scene you've already scene, just to give you an idea (no spoilers): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9SICVgzYnNY&pp=ygUSc2hvZ3VuIG9sZCB0cmFpbGVy https://youtu.be/4iW-QGjyIUw?si=SM16S88THs8vXLJK
2024-03-26 21:45:05 I watched the first adaptation from 1980 as a kid (late 80s, early 90s). It was a huge TV event back in the day, even outside the US. Here is the original trailer and a scene you've already seen, just to give you an idea (no spoilers): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9SICVgzYnNY&pp=ygUSc2hvZ3VuIG9sZCB0cmFpbGVy https://youtu.be/4iW-QGjyIUw?si=SM16S88THs8vXLJK

I watched the first adaptation from 1980 as a kid (late 80s, early 90s). It was a huge TV event back in the day, even outside the US. Here is the original trailer and a scene you've already seen, just to give you an idea (no spoilers): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9SICVgzYnNY&pp=ygUSc2hvZ3VuIG9sZCB0cmFpbGVy https://youtu.be/4iW-QGjyIUw?si=SM16S88THs8vXLJK


If you do like pirate ships and such, y’all have to watch Black Sails. Not even on the channel, just cuz it’s so damn good. I’d say it’s up there with Viking, Rome, and GoT.


Calling a blackship ragedy is a bit out of pocket

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

I'm going to commit blasphemy and say that Black Sails is actually a better show than any of those, including GoT. It's brilliant and genuinely deep and shocking and demands your attention, and more importantly it is cohesive from beginning to end, even if it takes its time showing the viewer just how cohesive. It is absolutely in my top ten TV series of all time.


This show's cinematography is just incredible. Some of the best I've seen.

Garrett Gee

but thats exactly what it was, a black ship that was raggedy. What else would be call it? Derelict?