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You'll need to sync up your own copy of the episode in order to watch along with us. Watched on Crunchyroll. Open 2 windows, one with our reaction and one with the video, then arrange them how you see fit! Press Play on "Go".

We use a watch along format in order to comply with copyright laws.
Thanks so much for your support here on Patreon! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Alvar Visted

i have been waiting so long for this episode :)


What comes next? Well first and most important rule of the Strawhats: If the villain is defeated, you gonna have a feast :)


I can not even make a reaction video ☺


Technically, Live Action ended with crew placing their feet on a barrel; that happens in around 10 eps or so in anime, so you got few more to go through :D Regarding Arlong and his character, later down the line (a long way to go lol) we are shown why is he the way he is, and why he hates humans. Not saying you would understand him or justify his actions, but you will understand why hes so vile and full of hatred.


I cannot recall exactly when, but Zoro mentions that he can only sleep when he feels safe. The fact that he falls asleep right outside Arlong Park means that he has complete faith that Luffy will kick Arlong's ass. Something interesting to consider here is that Arlong is a dropout from the Grand Line. In fact, our major pirate enemies until now have all been people who couldn't make it in the Grand Line or who gave up on piracy in general. Arlong left to the weakest sea to bully the people who lived there, Don Krieg just straight up couldn't take it, and Kuro gave up on being a pirate altogether. These are all considered to be big deals in the East Blue, but none of them could hack it in the Grand Line. With the Grand Line coming up, we can imagine the stakes to be much higher. We will no longer be facing failures, quitters, and rejects. We can expect to face bona fide pirates with dreams and the power and means to achieve them.


That was one heck of a countdown at the start 🤣 Great reactions. Can't wait for then next lot :)


[wailing about you getting to the end of the episodes that are covered in OPLA]




Is it normal that the One Piece episode is blurry?



J. Arlo Mullinix

I know you originally planned to stop when you reached where they ended the live action, but I would urge you two to keep going. Your favorite character hasn't even been introduced yet. You'll want to keep going with the anime.


You are stopping one piece anime reactions? I see, so this is where our paths diverge. Will be back for next arc.

Ilsuk Yang

Ah, so satisfying to see Arlong get taken down! Ladies, do what you feel is best. If you feel like stopping after you're caught up to the live action, then do that. If you decide to continue on, we're definitely not going to complain lol


I persoanlly think it would be interesting for you guys to continue with the episodes & then be able to compare the second season of live action to the anime alongside us!


This show is ridiculous indeed and that's why it's the best fantasy show in the world :D Oda is a master in operating on his abstractions and there's so many symbolic moments your heads are gonna go boom. XD


Google tells me current estimates for live action season 2 are Summer or Fall 2025, and there is no guarantee they will do a season 3. Food for thought, but I could understand if you wanted to take a break. The Subtitle is going to hit 1100 episodes in a few weeks. 4% Completed


If I had to guess live action season 2 could cover to episode 91 ish


Awesome Content from you two please continue with One Piece its just getting better and better!


I hope you two continue on, but if not that's totally respectable. I think comparing the two now the other way around would be interesting in its own way. Also with every season being at least a year apart it will take a while to be even close to caught up.

Jayson Phillips

I really pray that people vote for sword art online as your next anime series, it's soo good.!


Please continue on with the series. I can promise you the live action will be even more enjoyable once you know the original content.


Yes, we choose to do it this way to avoid any copyright trouble. Sorry for the inconvenience!