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"Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall"

That send off!!! 😭💖🫡

Okay guys and gals we know that the end credit scene of 3x12 has been a HOT topic of debate around here. Sounds like we were going to catch some heat either way. 😅 We will be completely honest with you and admit that we were undecided on whether or not to watch it, but then it truly just slipped our minds... The "To Be Continued" screen popped up so the usual clue to keep watching wasn't there! We sincerely apologize to those that this disappoints. We'll make sure and catch it on our re-watch (though from the sounds of things it is a hyped future scene).  Can't wait to keep going, we worship Erwin. Thanks for being here and watching with us! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕

(Next time we won't admit how dumb we were geez 😂)



Mesbah Mohamady

Have you watched the last OVA?


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 liar nothing slipped your mind 😂😂😂😂😂 anyways AOT taught me, Always Forward !

Tristen O'Bannon

I don’t understand why people are so heavy on not seeing the end credits. I get it potentially could spoil if you really sat and thought about it but It was aired that way for a reason! nonetheless still excited to watch this one ladies. Show is really heating up now 🙏🏻

Xanakone SPT

Let's Sasha enjoy meat!!!!

Javier Lasso

The scene in question is unnecessary and a future spoiler. It was only added to maintain the hype in the year of waiting between seasons. I recommend that you don't watch it yet so as not to be ruined by the spoiler.

Cristian Corredor

I really wanted you to see the post-credits🥲

Jared Edwards

maaaan SO CLOSE to the best eps in the entire show


The post credit scene was a bait/advetissment for the audience since the season was split in 2. There is no need for it when you are binging the whole show. One of the best thing in aot is its pacing, it would be a waste to break it


I really don't understand why people would want you to see the end credits. does not add anything, only potential to get spoiled

Endymions Rage

It was only half a year. And it was added, so when you watched it, you probably saw it and was hyped too. For me its essential for the AOT experience to see it.

Endymions Rage

In the end you watch for your own entertainment. The comments are only advice. You do you and enjoy it :D

Charles Malo

If you have finished watching attack on titan and don't understand WHY this teaser with the "wait WHAT?" moment is CANON... and are still advising against it, then I don't know how we can be friends lol

Zekrom XI

Opening themes are also aired with episodes for a reason. They skip all the opening themes due to potential spoilers. I don't see you harassing them about that. It's the same concept with the FUTURE SCENE on 3x12. SKIP IT DUE TO SPOILERS! It's really not hard to understand.

Eric Newton

Trust us you two ARE NOT READY !!!

Zekrom XI

It was only added to create hype. If S3 wasn't split, that scene would not have been created, buddy.

Zekrom XI

They just wanna see them react to the "shock factor" of it all wich is stupid to me.

Anguis Viridis

Great episode, great reaction!

Zekrom XI

Y'all just wanna see them react to it simply for the whole "shock factor" which I find to be kinda stupid. Manny reactors who watch that scene ruins their reaction to it when it happens in real-time because by then, they've already predicted what was happening. The OG author did not intend for that scene to be seen this way.


@zekrom Counterpoint, S3 Opening 2 shows much of action that actually happens in chronological order as well as some not subtle symbolism. The post credit is an out of context very short snippet of a climatic moment that happens much later. It bookmarks the start of this arc in a similar way that a lot of movies start off with a scene from the end of the movie. Those movies aren't spoiling themselves because there is no context of what is happening, they're simply creating confusion and hype for what is soon to come.


aww I was really looking forward to the reaction of the end credits. Really not seeing why people saying to not watch it when its one of the most hype parts. Like this is a reaction video.... i wanna see them react :'((

Charles Malo

Just noticed that we didn't watch the end-credit scene. That's fine, but let me throw a quick poll here in the comments: Would you like it if kiss and haylee watched the end credit scene after their triple watch of 16/17/18? Or do you want to wait till end of season 3 or what? Mostly because this arc kinda has a clear "pause, take a deep breath, grab a notebook, and let's recap" point there, that's the only reason why i suggest it. But i think it works fine there or end of season 3 etc if worried about the outro music? Personally I think it's fine to watch the music outro and end credit after episode 18 and then go into 19/20 and 21/22 ? At least that's what most reactors that "skipped it at 3x12 did eventually as per their patreon. So up to you guys.


Sasha is a livewire⚡ Put meat 🍖 in front of her and she'll turn into a "aberrant titan" I hoped u guys watch the end credit scene as its part of the ep. But I know alot of patrons deterred your view 👀 away from it. Maybe next time you can enjoy a show without official advisory 😉


I happen to wish they had seen the end credits scene. It doesn’t spoil anything and helps build tension going into the next arc. Especially how it is presented. Plus the few post credit scenes that aot has usually make a difference.

Tristen O'Bannon

@zekrom I understand why you feel strongly about this. I love Haylo & Kiss and their reactions. Harassment is not the word to use here. You’re also cherry picking your points. Openings show blatant spoilers, while this end credits scene is meant to evoke more questions about the plot. You’re entitled to your opinion, but watching a small snippet was only going to bolster their content and hype up the community for the upcoming episodes. That’s all I was trying to point out. But I respect their decision on this and wouldn’t want anyone to be forced to watch anything. I’m simply along for this ride, as are most of the rest of us in this Patreon!

Hunter Cronin

I think people in here have forgotten what the definition of a spoiler is lol. Any way, fantastic reaction. Absolutely love how hyped you got on the wall with the rest of the people. Made me feel like it was my first time watching again, I think I got a literal rush of adrenalin the first time. You two have quickly climbed to the top of my list for AOT reactions, can't wait till we get past the prolog :D


Nah I’m happy y’all ain’t watch it. Damn near every reactor watches it and already know what’s going to happen. It was meant for people who had to wait while it was airing. Y’all can come back and watch it after you finish season 3 part 2 to see what everybody talking about.


Everyone who's watched this show, has watched the end credit scene. Its part of the episode


It's literally a scene of a future episode, how is it not spoiler? And how does anybody need to be more hyped after this episode?

Isac christensen

The Erwin Inspiration part 2: The Episode


Intros are usually skipped. But end credit scenes are not. Whether it spoils or not. If u and I were not here to tell them anything most likely they would have gone and seen it. But thanks to all you advisors they get to skip this dramatic scene and get right into the next season.


Why would we lie. If we chose not to watch it we would've just said so. We would've missed it at the time it released anyway due to it breaking the rule most likely.


I guess I have a different conceptual understanding on what a spoiler is. This was a scene the show runners intended people to see because they included it in an episode. If you skipped any other end credit scene you would be completely lost in AoT.

Zach Woolard

Nobody knows it's a spoiler until you tell them it's a spoiler. You only see it as a spoiler because you know the context. There isn't enough context given in that scene for it to be a spoiler


I am only kidding. Really. I am enjoying watching AOT again with you guys.


Glad you're here and enjoying with us. Lying accusations strike a nerve 😂


Don't know how it is on blu-ray, but on Crunchyroll the credits end with a preview of the next episode which I always skipped, because I don't want previews. Because of this I did not even know of this end credit scene until I saw reaction channels reacting to it.


Same for me, I did not even know about it until I saw people on YouTube reacting to it.

Jimmy murillo

It’s about to go down ….

Roberto Rossodivita

Haylo's face at 11.08 is the cutest and sweetest thing I have ever witnessed. I wanted to hug her so badly during that moment


Zach Woolard, I completely agree with you. That was the reason I was suggesting them right from beginning. Even in the list given to them with episodes and OVA, included to skip certain openings until certain episode, or not to watch. I mentioned about 3x12. Unless someone tells something is spoiler, first time watcher will have no idea. But anyways, Haylo says they missed because of the to be continued screen. I now wish they at least not miss 3x19/22 end scenes and slides.

Auti O

You are almost done with the prelude of the show


I was looking forward to today's reaction bc of the end credit scene lol

Zekrom XI

Yes, I believe the creators intentionally “broke” the To-be-continued rule just to add to the whole “shock factor” thing. In the future, when you watch it you will understand. But no worries, it’s your decision to watch whatever you want. Don’t let others pressure you into doing anything other than your way. :)

Steve Gillis

The next 5 episodes are a masterclass in anime


Zekrom, your 300 comments on a single post kinda pressures everyone. Mistakenly they didn't watch. So take your win and stop rubbing on to all those who wanted them to watch.

Roy Saw


Erwin Smith



Imo it's not really a big deal either way🤷‍♂️ ty for the reaction!


I feel the end credit scene was meant for people following the release of the show. If I remember right, there was a looong break before ep. 12 and 13. So the end credit served as a teaser, which some people choose not to watch (for good reason).

MD 12

Honestly the end credits scene is one of the reasons a lot of people watch the reactions and wait for. It’s literally just the loud mouth minority that say don’t watch it and ruin it for everybody, because they’re paranoid and want something important to say. Hence why they’re loud because they’re paranoid. It literally adds to the scene makes the stakes higher. It’s one of the best cliffhangers of the show, it doesn’t take away from the scene it makes it more serious, and it doesn’t distract you from the rest of the episodes because there’s so much good action. The only people saying don’t watch it are people who didn’t see the scene in the first place, or the loud mouth minority that want something important to say. The only way that scene would be a spoiler is if you had to wait 6 months and then somehow come up with a theory that you couldn’t bank on would happen, based on every little thing you’ve been given in the show. and wouldn’t even know for sure. Literally 90% of us saw it and had no idea why or what was happening and had us crazy hyped more than we’ve ever been in the show, and it made the scene way better. One of the best cliffhangers of the show.


Now I wish they miss 3x19 end scene, 3x22 ending slides, 4x4 last scene, only because of people who are calling 3x12 end scene a spoiler. Them calling it spoiler makes it one, otherwise it was just hype. Still there were 6 episodes in between it and actual scene.

Nieko Stewart

They’ll see it in the near future. Even if the “watch the end credit scene” crowd was the majority, it wouldn’t make you guys correct. There is absolutely no reason to watch it if you’re binging the show.

Sean Carroll


Sean Carroll

im sure you girls have seen a few episodes in advance but just to let you know, you have officially entered the big time, season 3 part 2 all the way until the end of the show is nothing short of a masterpiece, if youve loved this show all the way up to now then you might be calling it the best show ever soon. Cant wait to see what you think

Nieko Stewart

Very glad you didn’t watch it. It’s a scene to generate hype between the 6 months we had to wait for S3P2. The “watch it crowd” is interested in shock factor, not what is best for viewing the show.

MD 12

We want them to watch it, because it makes the scene more real and serious when you get there. If you guys were worried about it being a spoiler then there would be no reason to watch it if you were going to wait 6 months because then you could maybe somehow come up with a theory you couldn’t bank on. There’s definitely a reason to watch it if your benjing.


Armin talking about seeing the sea with that look in his eye... what a pure and good person.


100% disagree I don't like people being spoiled and confused at the same time, and I think more people agree with me than with you.

MD 12

Literally every patreon YouTube poll on this topic you guys have lost. Whether to watch or not watch for reactors.


How does that scene become any less real if you did not see it in this preview?


To clarify who that was next to Reiner at the end because a lot of people mistake him for Bert... and it drives me ***insane*** It was [redacted], the one who saved Reiner's life by being eaten by Ymir. Note the haircut, the outfit, etc. I believe this is meant to be a metaphorical representation of Reiner's determination and motivation juxtaposed with that of the scouts. Of course [redacted] isn't really there, but his spirit definitely lives on in Reiner. We will learn more about Reiner & [redacted]'s relationship eventually so I won't say any more. Slight spoiler below: * The name of the redacted character is Marcel Galliard. I edited the comment because his name hasn't been mentioned in the show yet. He has appeared though!


Love u guys thanks for forgetting to watch the post-credit scene. Sorry to everyone who's disappointed - but at least they'll get to the actual point in the show soon!

MD 12

Because you don’t have context for what they’re doing and why, so you don’t know what lengths they’re willing to go, to do what it looks like they’re doing. So when the actual scene hits and you have context you think oh crap they might actually do it. It makes it more serious. But without the post credit scene you don’t take it as serious, you don’t think the show or character is actually as serious about doing what they’re doing.

Zain kb

bro i can’t tell if ur being sarcastic or not 😂

Zain kb

it all go downhill from next episode 🤭🔥 i’m so readdyy for it


Haha what? So you are saying that we should see all scenes whith high stakes and drama in advance or else we won't be able to take it seriously?

Divine Simp

you guys could just watch it on the next episode, why wait until a complete re-watch? I understand your decision to not watch it but it just seems the whole "slipped our minds" reason isn't honest which is more disappointing than not watching it. Just a thought

Spinning Red Chair

I always love the motivational send off the scouts get here. Imagine how proud Erwin is to be the first scout commander to be liked by citizens inside the walls. I takes a lot to make Erwin scream like that, that was pure spirit in his voice


We binged up to 3x15 and then haven't been together since. We don't even know if we've seen it at this point or not. Regardless, it doesn't seem like it should be big enough of a deal to call us dishonest. This bickering is turning us off from it completely so we're making the decision now that we won't be watching it this time around.


Marcel's literally wearing the clothes he had on when he died and people still think it's Bertholdt for some reason. Marcel's hair is brown and combed back, whereas Bert's is darker and falls in front of his face, Their skin color and eye colors are different. This has driven me crazy for years and I keep seeing people get it wrong.


It really doesn't spoil unless you go through frame to frame lmao. What anime only watcher was like "welp I got spoiled now. No need to watch anymore"- none. But it doesn't matter anyway. Tons of other reaction youtuber reacted to this after credit scene and H&K will watch it on the re-watch so no point arguing


I seen reactors piece together what happens jus by watching the post credit scene. They’re smart they’ll be able to tell what happens too. It’s a spoiler

Adam Aucoin

some of the best episodes of the whole show incoming


People in the comment section needs to just calm down why so much debate over some post credit scene that’s just a preview of a an episode they prob already watched at this point lol I think all the nitpicking and overhyping stuff is setting expectations too high and dampening the experience for them if anything lol. Let them realize stuff at their own pace and stop pressuring people to be memorizing every little detail .. “remember that name mentioned at 10:45 it’s gona be important for later 🤓” y’all sound cringe af. none of y’all watched this show like that the first time around and it just takes away from the overall experience to be hyper focused on every little detail imo

Sean Carroll

guaranteed tears incoming, 16-17 and 18 are part of the first of 3 legendary trilogies in this show (the other 2 are in season 4), highly recommend you ladies sit down for the full hour and experience the madness in one go

Alan Bun

Yeah, people need to chill. Whether they watch it or not is up to them and won’t detract from the rest of the show. Some people really have nothing better to do than moan and complain about this sort of shit.


From the bottom of my heart, please go touch some grass


I, for one, am very pleased that it slipped your minds. I hate that isayama put that end credits scene in there. Please dont watch it. Watch on the the re-watch.


Listen, Ibrahim, I'm not gonna argue this any further because that's silly. I wish they did see the scene, but they didn't. Seems like half of the reactors out there miss this scene anyways. But it's a fun wtf moment that we will have to wait for awhile to get to.

Kevin Narciso

You shouldn't have to apologize for something that you have no reason for. This fanbase tend to cross personal boundaries, maybe because they just are passionate about the show or never left their moms basement. I'll be honest, I didn't see the post credit when I first watched the show, and I'm actually glad that I didn't see it since it was major spoilers in my opnion. Regardless, ya'll do what you want and ignore people who try to tell you how to watch an Anime. It's so weird to me. All that aside, the second part of season 3 got me all messed up plenty of times. It's my favourite arc throughout the entire series. In my opinion, it's even better than season 4. I'm so excited for ya'll to witness it yourself. I just hope these ignorant mouth breathers don't spoil anything. I already see some stupid comments here, just hoping it doesn't ruin it for ya'll. But I guess it comes with the territory. Ya'll are blowing up and with that, ya'll are gonna get the decent and weird people as well. With that being said, congrats to both of you for getting this far in the show and in your fanbase. Mondays are always easier when I see a new AOT reaction.

Josh Murphy

People get too hung up on the after credit scene. The show was made and aired with the scene. Watching it or not won’t change any enjoyment you get from the show. You guys do whatever you want to do.


No offense fam! You’re not well if you think thats marcel. There is no plot induced reason why marcel’s ghost would be there


Also i dont think even think they mentioned marcel’s name yet either so this is a spoiler

Mr Joker

Man it's so annoying when people tell reactors what to watch and what not to. Just watch whatever you guys want, it's part of the anime experience we all had to go through when watching this show.


this is how i think about the show intros lol but i dont think its that important to watch the end credit scene here, yeah its a bummer but there will be far more important end credit scenes in the future


I supplied plenty of evidence. Unless Bertholdt felt like dying his hair, changing his clothes (then changing them back), and getting facial reconstruction surgery... that is not him. It isn't Marcel's "ghost" so much as it's just an artistic representation of Reiner's mindset. No offense taken, because I've looked into this many times over the years. I have to check every time because it is actually crazy to me that people are so wrong on this one. Go ahead, go back and just look at the character. Zoom in on them. If you're telling me I'm not right, I'm telling you that you're either lying or willfully ignorant because I'm looking at clear images of all next to each other right now and it is definitely Marcel. And to your point about the spoiling of his name, I think you might be right about that. At this point they showed Ymir eating him a couple times, so we are aware of his existence but not his name. To that point I'll edit the original comment.


I would literally die on this hill. Not because I care that much but because that's how certain I am that I'm correct. 😂

May T

I’m Japanese and I’ve read the original manga many times. If you look at the panel of this scene in the original manga Isayama drew, it is clearly Bertholdt standing next to Reiner; the previous panel (which is not in the anime) shows them standing on the wall with two tents, a fire, a pot and coffee cups, waiting for Eren and the others. They both are definitely drawn as real people, not a representation of some sort.


I am familiar with the panel myself, and no that is not Bertholdt. And yes they are drawn as real people, that's probably why everyone is so confused. It's more clear in the show thanks to color difference, but that it absolutely without a doubt Marcel. https://cdn.readkakegurui.com/file/cdnpog/attack-on-titan/vol-18-chapter-72-night-of-the-battle-to-retake-the-wall/44.jpg As I said, it would make no sense for Bertholdt to A. slick his hair back B. put on Marcel's outfit from when he died C. change back to his previous style by the time the scouts arrive


I don't think it was Isayama. Pretty sure it was suggested after the animation studios were done as a promotional thing.


Me, defending my MAL completed watchlist/plan to watch list: “You don’t know art when you see it.”


time to start blockin out the haters!! xD true reaction fans are here for the real & organic experience; nothing needs to be forced down yalls throat


Say I'm delusional all you like, but I have evidence and that's more convincing than your opinion. You do you too :)


You know it's about to go down when our girl Haylo got teary eye! Prepare for things to get crazy!


100% wrong. Just Google "who was standing at the top of the wall with reiner" it should clear your mind a bit bud

fg g

I don't think the end credit scene matters that much if you are going to continue watching right away. it would be alot more impactful if you had to wait a year+ for the next episode like most people did

Zain kb

u dont really need to watch the credit scene of this ep even on rewatch because it’s a short cut of a full scene that will appear in next episodes and u will see it again so i don’t know why everyone making a big deal of it. but i just want you guys to know that sometimes there are credit scenes that complete the beginning of the next episode. *in s4 * and u must watch it, credit scenes not always a spoilers


Keep in mind that the gap between Season 3 parts 1 and 2 where 6 months when it was aired! They needed something to keep interest or at least keep people talking with that end-credit scene. You are not waiting that long so you don't really need that scene. Also, you not watching it doesn't take anything away from the story at all!


The end credit scene was put because there was a 6 months wait for the next episode if I am not mistaken. So it was just a teaser and it's not necessary to watch even tho it's cool and I preferred seeing it on my rewatch

Zekrom XI

They don’t react to spoilers. And they literally said they simply forgot about it multiple times. Stop getting on their case about it.


Viewing the end credits isn't a big deal tbh.

Zekrom XI

Dude, they’re binging the show and uploading videos later. That’s why they’re not getting all your pressuring comment for them to watch some spoilerly scene. Y’all are doing too much at this point. Just stop.


Didnt realise how split the debate was to watch the end credits, Interested to see what a poll would end up with. I respect the decision though as I love these reactions either way.

Zekrom XI

PKS I think you need to touch grass. Y’all are doing way too much that’s really starting to upset them. Accusing them of “lying” is ridiculous. Some of you just never left your mother’s basement.


We allowed to voice our opinions. Not like im gonna stop watching these reactions, just sad they didnt.


Hey all! We totally understand the passion but please remember to keep comments towards each other kind and civil! 💕

Sean Carroll

Bro has absolutely no idea what he’s taalking about. So apparently without the after credits scene then the scene isn’t going to hit as hard? I’ve seen people literally bawling their eyes out watching that scene without the context of the after credits scene. The after credit is pointless given that they will watch the episode a few days later anyway

Sean Carroll

No, they are trilogies for a reason and I’m obviously not the only one hyping up these episodes, I guarantee they have heard this already so I’m not doing anything new

Sean Carroll

“AH NO THEY DISNT WATCH THE END CREDITS SCENE, AHHHHHHHH IM GOING TO CRY INTO MY PILLOW BECAUSE OF THIS WAAHHHHHHH.” Crybabies the lot of them, don’t listen to the losers who call you dishonest or whatever because they are pissed off life didn’t go there way. I for one prefer that you skip it as I find it pointless but if you did watch it I wouldn’t go on here crying about it because it really doesn’t matter even 1% in my life


rainfall and berty...howl!~ :P it looks grim... Erwin: inspiration mode activated everyone: Erwin oh my gosh!!!!


The after credits scene was MEANT to be seen by the animators or they wouldn't have included it, so don't worry about it! All of us watching as the show was airing saw it and we were all perfectly caught off guard anyway.

Kink Baron

Berty Bertotolo Berthold Bernihold Bertoltoto Be.... :D :D :D Nobody knows how that guy is correctly pronounced :P


I like how the people disagreeing with me haven't engaged with my evidence at all. Why did Bertholdt dress up exactly like Marcel? Can you think of any reason why they would change his hair color, hair style, eye color, and clothes to be exactly what Marcel's were on the day he died? And then afterword, he changes back to exactly what he was wearing before that scene? I mean it's cute how wrong you all are. Good thing I had a sit-down with some AoT fans outside of this convo and they unanimously agreed with me, or I'd be pulling my hair out :)


In the near future where the episode reveals the end credit scene please bite down hard on your tongue and refrain yourselves from spewing out "this is the end credit scene in ep 12" u guys already spoiled it and discouraged them from watching it. They've already said that they'll be revisiting it so please 🤫 its a spoiler when you tell them its a spoiler 😉


Someone said "go touch some grass" i don't know if I can contain myself . That is unacceptable 😤


rain fall and berty is wilddd 🤣

Josh Knoebel

Every channel I've followed that did a poll it was a landslide in favor of watching the end credit scene. There's a very vocal contingency of people who think it should be skipped, but the silent majority usually votes in favor of watching the show as it was designed.

Josh Knoebel

On the other hand, go check out the youtube views of other channels for this episode, and check the "most replayed" section of those videos. It's one of the top reaction moments in the entire series, and it's a smart business decision to watch it, especially since it spoils nothing. And yeah, of course we want the shock factor. I want to watch them REACT to the show. That's... why I'm here.

Josh Knoebel

Not just wanting to see them react, it's a huge draw for reaction videos of AoT. Go and check other channels and see this episode, huge views. Then look at the "most replayed" section, and it's the post-scene. It's just good business to react to that scene.

Josh Knoebel

Obviously this horse has been beaten to death already, but is there any chance you could record a quick 3 minute reaction video for that end credit? The scene is like 15 seconds long, so it would hopefully be a quick recording for you guys. And there's really not much to discuss or speculate because you have absolutely no context for it. Then you could staple that on at the end of the youtube release to help the metrics on that, because it's one of the biggest draws in all of AoT reaction videos.


I'm on team not watch, tbh. I'm not concerned about the kind of spoilers that come from the handful of frames, instead I'm concerned about the other 20 seconds worth of spoilers. I don't think those spoilers would cause someone to stop watching a show, I just think it's likely to diminish their suspense/surprise/etc of future plots/events.

John Doe

These coming episodes are about to have you falling out of your chairs with goosebumps just wait!


I love this show but man, the community can be a bit too much sometimes... 😅 Anyway, I hope these comments don't discourage you guys from finishing the show bc the best is yet to come. Y'all have become one of my favorite react channels lately, not just for your reactions to the show and "shock factor" scenes or whatever, but also because of your thoughtful discussions and theory crafting. Please keep doing what you're doing, girls! 💖


I genuinely had no idea people actually felt this way. But you're tellin me you DONT want them to watch something (a literal part of the show itself) that would generate MORE hype for them? Something that ALWAYS elicits a great reaction, which is literally what we're all here for? Lol, strange. The "dont watch it" crowd seem more interested in back-seating reactors not what's best for the reaction, review and discussion of the show I guess. It’s obviously not make or break but it's always a missed opportunity to skip that scene imo.


Definitely don’t feel bad about missing/skipping the end credit scene. As you’re aware of already, it’ll come back around eventually.


U find us wanting to watch them react to shock factors kinda stupid??? We've been watching them react to shock factors this whole series!!! what are u on about??? I think u need to stop touching grass




Zekrom, and you grew up ? replying to everybody you think of yourself as a knight ? I replied to them already that I was kidding. You need to learn to talk to people, I have seen your other comments and it looks like you think your father owns this platform. dumb donut running around like a stray dog, that all you are.

Charles Malo

eh i mean i am in favor of watching the scene mostly because i didnt watch it and regretted it, it's a toss up. But if the girls skipped it they skipped, no point in being upset over it. I was hyped to see, disappointed not see it, and yet happy that the girls are still enjoying the show and hyped regardless for the upcoming trifecta of episodes 16/17/18 that they're probably recording right now because they're ahead. so eitherway, good for them, and good for us (even though i didnt get what i wanted from 3x12) because they're reacting to a show we love and they're sharing that experience with us.. let's just all agree that we're happy for that!


Hey, don't take it seriously. AOT community is just too passionate. Everything is good. It would have turned out same even if you watched as the other group would have started the comment wars 😹 Anyways I am still laughing at Rainfall and Bertie. Enjoy the show as you would and take care. 🤜🏻🤛🏻


i love berty


It was a preview for what's to come in the following set of episodes since this episode aired October 18th 2018 and the next episode was April 29th 2019. It serves literally no purpose anymore because it's just a teaser.

Kolton Nay

Damn i was feeling those chills with you Haylo. Just like watching it myself the first time. The hype and emotions from finally being cheered on, finally being supported, from Erwin of all people, so insane!

Kolton Nay

also people are nutty for being upset about the end credits.


So you and some freinds unanimously decided that it was not bert??? 😂😂😂 that is hilarious. Please keep meeting a making decisions. U guys obviously know more than the the writer


Its not a spoiler. Yal complaining that its a spoiler, is a spoiler. Its a scene with no context. Just leaving reactors wanting more and having questions and just looking forward to what lead up to it.


I don’t know how many reactors I’ve seen deduce what will happen next, close to that scene happening because they watched that scene. That’s why I called it a spoiler, I think it’s much better they go in blind. Either way it shouldn’t be as big of a deal as everyone here it’s making it out to be when their reaction to the actual episode was so good smh

Shai Hulud

because it isnt "canon" its bait the animators put in because they were milking the season with the split cours.

Charles Malo

normally i agree with that zekrom. but full disclosure, the girls already made it to episode 15 finish, and they have been trying to get the proper order of the trilogy, so they already know that 16/17/18 are one batch of uploads, 19/20 are another batch, and 21/21 are the final batch of this arc. and usually a trifecta means "why couldnt we wait? must be something important"

Charles Malo

im not gonna say why it's cannon but some of the reveals in 4x20 explain why it's technically canon. but i digress


Even though I'm rewatching this for the third time with you guys, it's still hitting me so damn hard!! 🥲 Loved this reaction so much ❤️ Give your hearts x

Talha Sayed

Emotional rollercoaster is at its peak. The fact that it could be your 10th time watching this show but this epi would still make you teared up and get the chills like you experienced at the first time tells you how good of a show this is! What an episode! Amazing reaction! Shinzo wo Sasageyooooo! 🙌🏽❤️

Maia Brodsky

His name has been mentioned in the show, in season 2, when Reiner and Bert are talking about Ymir.


I don't know more than the writer, but apparently I'm better at noticing things than most of you guys :P Anyhoo good talk guys. Half kidding, but half serious too.

Matthew Knepfler

You should mostly ignore the comment sections on anime, most anime fans are either children, or act like children.


"Rainfall and Berti" I CANT LMAO


a lot of people are mocking the ones who want them to watch the end credit scene saying it's just for shock factor and it's stupid, but honestly the end credit scene was uniquely done and was a good contrast to the whole episode.


Apparently not. Just Google it. Says "Bertholdt seen alongside Reiner awaiting the scouts." If u keep insisting on you and your groups decisions then we're done here.


You know Google searches aren't infallible, right? Don't worry Tookie, I've moved on. I can accept that you guys aren't willing to think outside of your small boxes and that's okay! :)


Correct but that only applies to certain topic/subjects, not anime. Come on now


Fuck those bitches that keep crying about the end credits. Imo it was a great reaction 👍👍👍 Erwin is such a hype machine.. those teary eyes are totally justified