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That's all a little susss...
Our heads are spinning as made evident by our post episode rambling 😅SO much info coming at us here! It was really neat to get more of Eren's parents story through a "bystander's" eyes. Plus, we're honing in on the timeline! We're currently at 3x15 and we seriously can't wait to continue... Thanks for being here with us, we appreciate your support! Until the next one.
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Isac christensen

Ahahahahahahah The Sergeant: the episode 😎

Tristen O'Bannon

YOURE AT 3x15 OMG. Really excited to see the reactions over the next few episodes!

Green Hog

Have anyone seen the AoT live action. I haven’t seen it but saw a video about it… the story differs a lot from the anime. Now I have to watch it


Cant wait for ur reaction to 3x16,17 and 18... Its gonna be a rollercoaster of emotions


Don't, it's a worse adaptation than the avatar the last Airbender movie

Xanakone SPT

" Because I was born into this world" 🕊️🕊️🕊️ Plus. Will you do My Hero Academia in the future? I'll look forward to seeing your reaction^^


if Keith wood have said ok, and stayed back and Eren would have been eaten by a titan or wolf. Eren really embodied his moms words that he was born into this world, thus he is free and special.

Green Hog

It’s not made by a big movie company, so I don’t expect it to be anything but an amateur project, but still, anything I want to watch anything and everything AoT related lol


the last minutes of this episode give me goosebumps and make me emotional every single time. the ending playing, carla saying “hes already special because he was born into this world” and the reveal of keith sabotaging erens gear during training is just too good. plus u can see how his moms words gave eren strength. i love attack on titan so much 🥲🥲


better watch corridor crew videos about AOT


I think you guys should watch Attack on Titan Junior High later 😂

Jimmy murillo

I can’t remember is it the next episode that has the after credits scene ?? If so you guys should watch it

Sunay Hesenov

In 3x12, there is an after credit scene that you will need to see. So, please dont skip it. It's gonna hype you up


make sure to watch post credit scene next episode as it is was the end of season 3 pt1


Very underrated episode. It's overshadowed by so many incredible episodes where big things happen, flashy, exciting like S2E6 but these "filling in the blanks" type of episodes really flesh out the whole story. When I first watched it I was impressed by this episode. We find out how Eren got the key to the basement, that Keith Shadis was the commander of the scouts in the first episode as well as the head instructor of the Training Corps and that he was the one to break Erens equipment from episode 3 (never thought that would be explained). I could write a thesis on the theme of the episode ("being special") and I love how it ended, Carla saying that Eren is already special because he was born into this world.

Mesbah Mohamady

Since you are currently at episode 15, in this episode a new name was introduced suddenly in a quick way, try to memorize this name for later episodes.

Sean Carroll

Disagree it has potential to spoil and in general a completely unnecessary scene given they will watch the episode that the scene relates to very soon

j m

Just realizing from how you two reacted to this episode. You two would probably absolutely love Demon Slayer

CZ2 Delta

13:00 Grisha went to Eren in Trost AFTER he finished with Frieda and the Reiss family., the day the wall was busted. He couldn't have went after, cause Eren ate him in the woods just a couple minutes later.


you guys are still stuck on it, they have mentioned in the description of this upload that they are at 3x15 already.

Ram (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-21 06:26:21 Try your best to remember names and the details after a revelation has been bestowed upon you. The experience is only going to get more exhilaratingly sophisticated from here. Treat this as the real world, and pay attention to the deep nuances to saturate your experience.
2024-03-21 06:26:21 Try your best to remember names and the details after a revelation has been bestowed upon you. The experience is only going to get more exhilaratingly sophisticated from here. Treat this as the real world, and pay attention to the deep nuances to saturate your experience.
2024-03-15 16:51:50 Try your best to remember names and the details after a revelation has been bestowed upon you. The experience is only going to get more exhilaratingly sophisticated from here. Treat this as the real world, and pay attention to the deep nuances to saturate your experience.

Try your best to remember names and the details after a revelation has been bestowed upon you. The experience is only going to get more exhilaratingly sophisticated from here. Treat this as the real world, and pay attention to the deep nuances to saturate your experience.

Rainy Days

Ahh so much to talk about with this one!! I'll say this: Commander Shadis may be one of my personal favorite characters. He starts of as an almost 2D character first season, but then after this ( and maybe some future episodes.. 🤐 😉 ) he really becomes a very complex and interesting character in my humble opinion. I love how they take so many characters in this show, our main characters aside, and really grow and develop this whole mass of people that we can learn about and see different sides of humanity through. Hope you two are enjoying it more and more! Love the after episode talks you have, as always. What's in the basement???

Rainy Days

They've watched it! Great reaction to all of it released so far by those two, you should watch it.

adamisajoker .

Is it Keith Sadies or Keith Shadis? Why do the subs show different names?


It's Keith Shadis. Just must be some error

Allen Valdes

Mikasa snapped Eren out of his thinking and y’all said “That was very motherly” Remember what you said! All the way below I’ll put a link to an Isayama interview where he says that Eren views Mikasa as a Mother. The AOT community is blind to what has always been in front of them. Mikasa was jealous of Eren and Historia Jean mentions and jokes around about Eren holding hands with Historia https://comicbook.com/anime/amp/news/attack-on-titan-eren-mikasa-love/


isayama didnt say that eren views mikasa as his mother, its about her motherly presence. the interview you linked was released at the same time as the volume in which eren says to mikasa that he isnt her kid not her little brother. her overprotectiveness comes off as motherly to him and he rejects that.

Spinning Red Chair

I forgot how emotional season 3 gets. People dont really like this season because there isnt a whole lot of action, but I think it works out in the shows favor. Its nice to have a break


Everyone who watched the show originally saw the scene when it came out. I know with hindsight everything looks like a spoiler, especially for AOT, but it\s really not an issue.


I love this episode not just because it fills in some stuff from the timeline we already saw but its such a wonderful rebuttal to what Eren's been thinking so far these last few episodes: that he thought he was special and so was okay with people losing their lives for him, but now he thinks he's not actually special and so he's guilty thinking of all these people dying to save him all along. And along come the words from his mom about how he's special enough just to be born in this world and it doesn't matter if he's special or better than anyone beyond that.


Eren's mom (Carla) was too good for this world.

Charles Malo

Go show these girls support on youtube too! They put up their edited reactions for demon slayer and arcane (one of their first shows btw, before their patreon kicked off so strong) The girls deserve that support and i can say first hand that I was one of the people telling them to watch AoT because their reaction to DS was insanely fun to watch. And after AoT i'm going to recommend Re:Zero to them :P

Charles Malo

I'm only learning japanese recently (a few lessons in) and it's a very "vocalized/monopaced language), and its "core" written language, i.e hiragana basics to write what we speak, and what I know so far is that is japanese phonetics have the SA sound, the SHA sound and the TCHA sound. The SHA is the same symbol as the SA sound + a tendem modifier double quotation at the top right, so the soudn is not a full CHA (not to be confused with the TCHA sound that comes as a variation to the TA sound). And the SA and SHA are very VERY close, the reason is because the " modifier on the symbol only instructs the reader to read the sound in a neck/tongue pull so the SHA is not a full CHA nor a SA, but a middle of it, similar to the japanese RA and LA sound being halfway between the two. So during translations, those who are writing the subtitles can sometimes type SHAdis or SAdies because it's neither the right answer, but a soudn in between. That's why you see both. Think of it as if an english speaking person is saying the word "reassure" or "pressure". Some will lean towards the s and some will lean towards the "sh" depednign on regional variants. So both are valid, and the sound is halfway through both. And since Shadies/Sadies can be also written in kiragana as opposed to hiragana because it's feels like a foreign name, i wouldnt be surprised if that ruling also has a variation there... Both are fine to say, but i'd say more people will say "Keith SHAdis" because it's easier to roll off the toungue after the "th" from keith rolling into the "sha" from shadies... it's a smother transition of the tongue movement so that's what i go with!

Charles Malo

i agree with ningsplushie here. The intent wasn't that Eren views her as motherly, but that he sees her ACTIONS as motherly and overwhelming, and the embodiment of "freedom" he hates being coddled and handheld by mikasa acting like a babysittting mother to him... whether it's because he doesnt want to be "motherzoned?" because he likes her or because he's just an idiot child that still hasn't grown into his emotions yet or whether it's because of... other reasons? I wont say till much much later in the seasons.. but i dont agree that he sees her as a mother. just hates that she "mothers" him.

Allen Valdes

Did you not see the link? Isayama says: “For Eren, rather than a lover, Mikasa's presence is more like a mother to him. The love towards a mother is considered valuable [precious], however at the same time, there are annoying parts as well [laugh]," the creator said. "Just like towards one's actual mother, Eren will start to grow up when he becomes independent [move away/not dependent on] from Mikasa, I might draw this scene one day." So you’re both wrong, Eren views her as a mother and is not being “motherzoned” that’s laughable statement

Charles Malo

100% the last few episodes he kept saying that about others dyign for him, and then when he went on a rant when Hannis died and everyone dying for him, he suddenly wanted to die for the world because he kept thinkiing that maybe his LIFE isnt special but that his DEATH would be special to put things back on track, and it's especially noticeable when he kept telling historia to eat him because of his father's sins, and offering to sacrifice his life to turn Rodd Reiss back to normal if he ate him etc... And even now he's thinking he's not special and depressed, he's LITERALLY walking down Keith Shadis's line of snapping at himself and giving up on being anything important or holding a position of power (commander vs titan savior), and hange raging at Keith and calling him a coward + keith sharing Carla's last words about Eren not having to try to BE special, because he IS special, not because of what he can do or cant do but because he was born into this world. Which is a very important line, it's the same line that Eren said to Armin when was losing his mind in Trost and attacked mikasa.,.. When Armin asked him "WHY do you want to go outside? Eren's subconscious yelled out in flaming rage that BECAUSE I WAS BORN IN THIS WORLD." and that's all the reason he ever needs... which echoes what his mom probably kept tellign him all his life about being special because he was in born in this world... And that's when the false illusion of his mother and mikasa/grisha burned away and he realized that he had to keep moving on, and that his mother would tell him the same about being special as he is now... so all he has to do is to get up and lift that border and prove her memory right.

Jer emy

wow i forgot just how good this episode was

Talha Sayed

“Think you’re some veteran hero now?” You both reacting simultaneously with “uhh yhhh” made my day😄 Love your reactions!!!!🫶🏼Thank you for existing and treating us with those sweet moments!!❤️

Zain kb

it’s the opposite for me, i felt like we can’t have a break in this season bcs there’s a problem every 5 episodes that why i felt it was overwhelming because i don’t like too much action, i only like the last part of this season. (ep 19-22)

Reginald Leandre

You know what thing i love about this show, characters lie and its up to the viewer to see if its a lie or not cause we won’t know for sure. For example, when armin told bearthold that Annie was screaming herself to sleep from the torturing. The show never once told us it was a lie, we had yo decipher it

Issac Gonzalez

The more I watch their reaction the more I can’t wait for that episode🤣😈

Sean Carroll



one of my favorite episode.


Make sure you guys watch the credits at the end of episode 12. They have a special ending.

Charles Malo

you also misserd the main sentence my dude. For eren, RATHER THAN A LOVER, mikasa's PRESENCE is like a mother to him. Isayama is saying that while the love of a mother is extremely valuable and honored especially in japanese culture, and so is the love TOWARDS the mother as a sign of respect and gratitude and caring for one's parents, which is also important in japanese culture, he LAUGHS because he also knows that the japanese folk might wanna hang him (jokingly) for saying the following and then he says "buuuut... let's be real here, motherly love can be annoying sometimes amiiiiirite?" and laughs about, because being smothered with motherly love is annoying. And he says JUST like toward's one's ACTUAL MOTHER, eren who's being forced into being motherly loved by mikasa (and again, RATHER THAN A LOVER, you keep forgetting that first sentence), eren is trying to BREAK AWAY from the motherly love mikasa because HE thinks he's being "motherzoned" or "sisterzoned" because she's treating him like a BABY and not a MAN when she's overly protective and motherly to him. It's like if you were a preteen or early teenager and there's a babysitter or teacher that you have a crush on or find attractive, but she constantly treats you as a baby whether it is motherly affection or overwhelming protection or rigurous "you can do it sweetie just work hard" moments... If you have a crush on them, or you are yourself a bit self conscious, those motherly affection moments, which are coming from a GOOD PLACE from the babysitter, or teacher or aunt or in this case, MIKASA, can sometimes be extremely annoying and belittling to someone like Eren who is the LITERAL embodiment of freedom and doesn't want to be kept in a cage or handcuffed to a "mother" and unable to be his own man... And that's what isayama is saying, yes he loves mikasa, and yes mikasa loves him (at least according to the teenage angst in the show) But BECAUSE mikasa is being overprotective instead of letting him spread his wings, mannn, his wings of freedom, then she's not giving the "vibes" of "the hot badass girl next door that i'd like to get with", she's giving the "OMAGERD can you please stop nagging me mom" vibes, and THAT is frustrating eren who A- already had a mother like that and lost her because he wasn't a strong man like hannes said, but also B- the girl that HE protected in season 1 from the robbers and HE stepped up and became her savior, suddenly HE is the burden "Baby" that mikasa is constantly smothering with motherly love and over protection. RingsPlushie and i aren't saying that Mikasa loves him like a mother-son. And we aren't saying that Eren loves Mikasa like a son-mother. We are saying that they both have different feelings than what they are ACCIDENTALLY showing instead of their true nature. Mikasa accidentally giving overbearing mom vibes, and eren accidentally giving "you're not my real mom" angry emo kid vibes. And i think isamaya is saying that both of them need to find their way to break out of that pattern if they want to find themselves. And after seeing more material, i can tell you that i know exactly what he was hinting at but i wont talk about it here. Again, Allen, we're not disagreeing with you, we're just clarifying that it's all a problem of perspective from Eren's POV and insecurities and just being a clueless kid that should never have been put in a position of power... like many people out there. And instead of him talking with mikasa and vice versa, they keep spiraling around not saying their true intentions out of fear of getting hurt first by the other one..even though both of them would probably be happier if they were together rather than apart.... which is one of the 200 hidden themes of this show.

Allen Valdes

Eren does not view her as a Lover because he sees her as a mother. Where does it say that Eren thinks he is being Motherzoned or sisterzoned?? NOWHERE. You are adding your own wrong information. Isayama literally says Eren DOES NOT see her as a Lover but a mom, period end of story

Allen Valdes

Nope I read it. It seems that you are adding information that is not there. Eren does not view her as a Lover because he sees her as a mother. Where does it say that Eren thinks he is being Motherzoned or sisterzoned?? NOWHERE. You are adding your own wrong information. Isayama literally says Eren DOES NOT see her as a Lover but a mom, period end of story


it’s refreshing for sure when so much media handholds you all the way (looking at you ATLA live action lol)


It's confirmed that Eren and Mikasa have romantic feelings toward each other by the author.