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Some of Kenny's backstory and motivations in this ep! Super interesting meeting Uri and learning that they advocate for peace? Can't wait to explore that more later. Thanks for joining us here, we appreciate every single one of you! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Zekrom XI

Don’t watch the after credit scene for 3x12!



Endymions Rage

Personally I do like when people watch that - as its a nice WTF Moment. However that scene shows something that will happen later and for some that might be a spoiler. For me thats in the same vein as to not watching the upcoming Intros as some imagery also shows things. In the end up to you, I would watch it.


@Zekrom XI, I haven't watched the Trailer for Kung fu Panda 4, because it may have spoilers. Correct by your logic ?


The opposite - DO watch the credits in episode 3x12!! The credit roll is such an impactful moment in the overall viewing experience of Attack on Titan!

Nellie Johansson

Yaay I always get so excited when I get a upload notification from you two!


Only from past reference, I think you have you got some good idea that Ackerman's in this show are strong strong, not just will power and as you have even seen Kenny saying that he never imagined there is someone stronger than him in this world? Even Uri said this man's reason for killing me is within himself or something along that line, meaning he can't read his mind. Ackermans also know what to do at any moment, thats why you might remember Mikasa, Levi, and even Kenny in different times and scenes have shown to posses maybe sixth sense and avoid bullets/dangers/titans. Its never really told what powers they have other than being strong, resisting memory format, heightened senses and Even right decision making like running if need be.


So keen for season 4 loving the reactions also nice im not waiting till 1am for them now

Zain kb

you guys give the best reactions ever you ask the right questions and understand the story very well even tho some part of the story isn’t shown yet but you both are so good at analyzing and theorizing, so smart 😭 i wasnt like that first time watching the show lol. i’m just glad i’m experiencing watching the show with you day by day since ep 1 🙏🏻

Hunter Cronin

It's crazy to me how so many of the same people who tell reactors not to watch the intros are the same people most of the time that tell them to watch the 3x12 ending. Personally, I'm against watching that because it leads people to just constantly think how the situation comes about and a lot of the time they become so fixated on it that they miss parts of some of the greatest episodes this show has to offer. I think the intros should be watched, but if you're going to skip them because of "spoilers" there is no way you should watch the 3x12 after credit. But they probably have already so *shrug* lol

Christopher Andersen

The scene with Historia hitting Levi makes more sense in the manga. In the manga before they killed Rod Reiss Levi ruffed her up to get her to agree to become queen.

Green Hog

The beast titan said it right there what he wants… getting the coordinate is the priority, recovering Annie can come later, and he said if they wait there, Eren will come to them… so he’s waiting somewhere where he know Eren will definitely be coming to. Any ideas?


It doesn't spoil anything. The scene only makes sense retrospectively, if you don't know what happens later, then you won't be able to piece together anything from it.


well they have crossed 3x15 last week itself. So now they are probably at 3x22


You can watch the after credits scene for 3x12. That’s how it was originally aired so that’s how it was intended.


Always looking forward to morning AOT. This is my 3rd rewatch (I also read the manga 😅) but hearing yalls thoughts on the story and characters also gets me brainstorming and connecting all the themes and parallels throughout the story.

Christopher Farley

I feel like the 3x12 post credit scene is the intended way to watch the show, otherwise the showrunner wouldn't have included it.

Steve Gillis

Love your reactions. Levi is the distant and mysterious husband we all want

Reginald Leandre

WOULD THIS BE CONSIDERED A SPOILER? please confirm with peers before reading, ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Ymir was taken back to where Reiner and Bert came from.

Randy Flash

Not really a spoiler but certain things are better when they find out on their own, like the fact that blondie is indeed the beast titan and not just his friend.

Randy Flash

Historia hitting Levi lol Mikasa was manipulating her and asked her in a prior episode that she should hit him when she becomes queen, because there would be no consequence at all, she is the only one who can do that. Mikasa still has grudges over the fact that Levi severly beat Eren during the court trial. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

CZ2 Delta

When they were asking Historia to become Queen, Mikasa told her that when she's Queen, she could punch Levi in the face and get away with it. So that's what that sequence was for.

CZ2 Delta

At the end we see Reiner's Armored titan lost in a duel to the Beast titan. The issue of the duel was probably to determine if rescuing Annie was the priority. Since the Beast won, he says it'll come later, and that for now, getting the Coordinate (Eren's Founding titan) is more important, that it's always been more important. As for your question about why they would want to capture the Coordinate (Eren), remember what Eren did with his power before, when he escaped Reiner. He found a way to control all pure titans with his scream. Isn't that something others with titans abilities would want badly? ^^


The infamous BASEMENT?! Lol we are still on 3x15. Won't be getting any further until next Tuesday!

Kevin Narciso

The upcoming second half of this season is my favourite by far. I hope ya'll get your G-Fuel ready.

Zain kb

Levi is sad that Kenny died and at the end they’re related and he lived with him when he was a kid. he was standing there after he saw his uncle dying, probably that why he smiled at his squad bcs it’s cute interaction and he needed it at that moment ):


idk apparently this comment ruins something. Not sure what or how, but because people are upset I will at least add this disclaimer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who will Levi use that syringe on, I wonder... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... >;)

Reginald Leandre

I just hate it when they guess something completely and irrationally wrong. Like why would Ymir leave Reiner after she agreed to go with them.z

Reginald Leandre

Also when i see reactors think the beast titan has a friend instead of the guy on top of the beat, at the end of s2, is inFact the beast.

Issac Gonzalez

2nd half of this season is peak. Enjoy!!!

Adam Aucoin

everyone telling them to not watch the after credits scene in 3x12, you do realize they are probably way past that lmao, wouldnt be surprised if they finised s3 already


noooo... two more days until the next epi

Sam Rat

such a good episode!


Oh noooo, just kidding, anyways enjoy the break. Its better then as you will watch 16,17,18 together and 19,20,21 together most probably.

John Doe

I can't wait for the coming episodes. It's about to get crazy!

Rj H

The scene with historia punching levi doesn’t make sense because one of the scenes in the past episode is a little different from what happened in the original manga In the manga when Levi told historia that she needs to become queen(which happened 2 episodes ago I think) Historia said she didn’t really want to do it and Levi picked up her up by the neck and started choking her until she said she would do it

Christopher Farley

That's my logic. All of us there watching it release to release and week to week weren't told not to watch it beforehand because no one knew to avoid it and I don't understand why people tell reactors to avoid it.

Nathan Thomas

The fact that Kenny was a murdering Psycho who lacked compassion and found new motivation to change his ways a reason to go on to try to become a compassionate person is brilliant. Kenny never wanted to be a monster he just wanted to be normal.

Regie Khemvisay

Why are we not watching 2 eps? Is one too much?


Achievement unlocked for Historia: Made two Ackermanns smile


love this episode love this reaction

Charles Malo (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-14 14:47:24 Yes. Watch the 3x12 outro right after the ending scene by playing the outro on its own and start discussing your thoughts. No need to scroll for it, it's not too far out. And for those saying "Nay" to that... i get your opinion but all i can do i share my experience about it as ONE OF YOU... a person who originally didn't see the teaser... and yet advocates to see it... I know both sides. I made my judgement on this. I'm one of the people that say DONT WATCH the intros/outros because they are NOT part of the story, but are added on top by producers to hype up or sell the show. BUT the post credit scene of 3x12 is intentionally designed and built in to be watched because it's canon to the show. Not the teaser itself, but the fact that this teaser exists. It's supposed to make you watch it like that and let you think about it for a bit... thats why the show has eye catch tags like "things we can disclose AT THIS MOMENT" and other illogical narrative and animation and writing styles... the show showing you a tease of what is happening is always a style of this show. We saw it with annie, we saw it with reiner/bert reveal, we saw it even here with historia etc... The show has always loved to show a scene and spend time doing a flashback on it... and that teaser? that easier IS that scene, and we would be embarking on a very long "present times" flashback in a way, working our way towards that scene... it's how the show has always done it, so it's not something that would spoil the experience, because that scene's intentional presence in the outro (and HOW it was introduced) that scene IS the experience... we would just be doing a long flashback towards that scene happening.. and im all about that. Again, if it doesnt have a to-be-continued u can keep watching but this episode's finale is a "teaser" for something that might happen. And it's supposed to be a "WAIT WHAT" moment, and as long as you don't start freeze framing every single thing, and do a full Eric Vass breakdown of the scene, then you should be fine to experience it. I cannot speak to what you would have liked. "I" only saw this scene almost a decade after it aired mostly because i was not aware that scene existed to begin with, so i had already seen the first flow of the show without it but it had been some time since i've seen what it teased so it felt nice to finally see but all i could think about at the time was : I WISH I HAD SEEN IT BEFORE when it first aired. And from what i've seen, most reactors that reacted to watching the scene have been hyped by it or shocked and when the scene happened, most of those that I asked about in their Q&A informed us that they aren't upset that they had seen this teaser, and it didn't spoil the show for them, but it did leave them fighting the urge to rewatch it again, so as long as you set yourself up to watch a couple more episodes after this scene, then it should be a nice WTF moment for you and then not let it consume your urge to rewatch haha. So my summary is: personally i wish i had seen the scene when it first aired, and based on how many times ive seen this show, the teaser itself doesnt spoil the show because there are MUCH MUCH MORE important things that are happening aroudn that scene's events, so it's not going to leave you wishing you didnt see it. THAT is the only thing i can say about it, the choice is yours sisters, but i personally would watch the 3x12 episode, and start discussing the hype of it WHILE the outro is playing (audio on, the music is amazing btw), and then wait for the scene to come on its own.. do NOT scroll in thumbnails to find it or you'll miss out on the experience and you may end up trying to find the spot too many times and seeing the scene too many times. You dont want that. You want to watch that whole flow ONCE and only ONCE and then.. well... you'll see what i mean... All i can promise is that Kiss will say "WAIT NO HAYleEE, HAYLEEE... WAIT EUHH AHH HAYLEEEEE" and Hayle's going to be in silence trying to process and say "Wait.. HUH? Wait... WHAT IS HAPPENING, siss... what am i watching??" That's my chocolate chip cookie bet on what their reaction might be (totally not because that happens every single episode and i want my damn cookie).
2024-03-14 14:47:24 Yes. Watch the 3x12 outro right after the ending scene by playing the outro on its own and start discussing your thoughts. No need to scroll for it, it's not too far out. And for those saying "Nay" to that... i get your opinion but all i can do i share my experience about it as ONE OF YOU... a person who originally didn't see the teaser... and yet advocates to see it... I know both sides. I made my judgement on this. I'm one of the people that say DONT WATCH the intros/outros because they are NOT part of the story, but are added on top by producers to hype up or sell the show. BUT the post credit scene of 3x12 is intentionally designed and built in to be watched because it's canon to the show. Not the teaser itself, but the fact that this teaser exists. It's supposed to make you watch it like that and let you think about it for a bit... thats why the show has eye catch tags like "things we can disclose AT THIS MOMENT" and other illogical narrative and animation and writing styles... the show showing you a tease of what is happening is always a style of this show. We saw it with annie, we saw it with reiner/bert reveal, we saw it even here with historia etc... The show has always loved to show a scene and spend time doing a flashback on it... and that teaser? that easier IS that scene, and we would be embarking on a very long "present times" flashback in a way, working our way towards that scene... it's how the show has always done it, so it's not something that would spoil the experience, because that scene's intentional presence in the outro (and HOW it was introduced) that scene IS the experience... we would just be doing a long flashback towards that scene happening.. and im all about that. Again, if it doesnt have a to-be-continued u can keep watching but this episode's finale is a "teaser" for something that might happen. And it's supposed to be a "WAIT WHAT" moment, and as long as you don't start freeze framing every single thing, and do a full Eric Vass breakdown of the scene, then you should be fine to experience it. I cannot speak to what you would have liked. "I" only saw this scene almost a decade after it aired mostly because i was not aware that scene existed to begin with, so i had already seen the first flow of the show without it but it had been some time since i've seen what it teased so it felt nice to finally see but all i could think about at the time was : I WISH I HAD SEEN IT BEFORE when it first aired. And from what i've seen, most reactors that reacted to watching the scene have been hyped by it or shocked and when the scene happened, most of those that I asked about in their Q&A informed us that they aren't upset that they had seen this teaser, and it didn't spoil the show for them, but it did leave them fighting the urge to rewatch it again, so as long as you set yourself up to watch a couple more episodes after this scene, then it should be a nice WTF moment for you and then not let it consume your urge to rewatch haha. So my summary is: personally i wish i had seen the scene when it first aired, and based on how many times ive seen this show, the teaser itself doesnt spoil the show because there are MUCH MUCH MORE important things that are happening aroudn that scene's events, so it's not going to leave you wishing you didnt see it. THAT is the only thing i can say about it, the choice is yours sisters, but i personally would watch the 3x12 episode, and start discussing the hype of it WHILE the outro is playing (audio on, the music is amazing btw), and then wait for the scene to come on its own.. do NOT scroll in thumbnails to find it or you'll miss out on the experience and you may end up trying to find the spot too many times and seeing the scene too many times. You dont want that. You want to watch that whole flow ONCE and only ONCE and then.. well... you'll see what i mean... All i can promise is that Kiss will say "WAIT NO HAYleEE, HAYLEEE... WAIT EUHH AHH HAYLEEEEE" and Hayle's going to be in silence trying to process and say "Wait.. HUH? Wait... WHAT IS HAPPENING, siss... what am i watching??" That's my chocolate chip cookie bet on what their reaction might be (totally not because that happens every single episode and i want my damn cookie).
2024-03-14 14:47:24 Yes. Watch the 3x12 outro right after the ending scene by playing the outro on its own and start discussing your thoughts. No need to scroll for it, it's not too far out. And for those saying "Nay" to that... i get your opinion but all i can do i share my experience about it as ONE OF YOU... a person who originally didn't see the teaser... and yet advocates to see it... I know both sides. I made my judgement on this. I'm one of the people that say DONT WATCH the intros/outros because they are NOT part of the story, but are added on top by producers to hype up or sell the show. BUT the post credit scene of 3x12 is intentionally designed and built in to be watched because it's canon to the show. Not the teaser itself, but the fact that this teaser exists. It's supposed to make you watch it like that and let you think about it for a bit... thats why the show has eye catch tags like "things we can disclose AT THIS MOMENT" and other illogical narrative and animation and writing styles... the show showing you a tease of what is happening is always a style of this show. We saw it with annie, we saw it with reiner/bert reveal, we saw it even here with historia etc... The show has always loved to show a scene and spend time doing a flashback on it... and that teaser? that easier IS that scene, and we would be embarking on a very long "present times" flashback in a way, working our way towards that scene... it's how the show has always done it, so it's not something that would spoil the experience, because that scene's intentional presence in the outro (and HOW it was introduced) that scene IS the experience... we would just be doing a long flashback towards that scene happening.. and im all about that. Again, if it doesnt have a to-be-continued u can keep watching but this episode's finale is a "teaser" for something that might happen. And it's supposed to be a "WAIT WHAT" moment, and as long as you don't start freeze framing every single thing, and do a full Eric Vass breakdown of the scene, then you should be fine to experience it. I cannot speak to what you would have liked. "I" only saw this scene almost a decade after it aired mostly because i was not aware that scene existed to begin with, so i had already seen the first flow of the show without it but it had been some time since i've seen what it teased so it felt nice to finally see but all i could think about at the time was : I WISH I HAD SEEN IT BEFORE when it first aired. And from what i've seen, most reactors that reacted to watching the scene have been hyped by it or shocked and when the scene happened, most of those that I asked about in their Q&A informed us that they aren't upset that they had seen this teaser, and it didn't spoil the show for them, but it did leave them fighting the urge to rewatch it again, so as long as you set yourself up to watch a couple more episodes after this scene, then it should be a nice WTF moment for you and then not let it consume your urge to rewatch haha. So my summary is: personally i wish i had seen the scene when it first aired, and based on how many times ive seen this show, the teaser itself doesnt spoil the show because there are MUCH MUCH MORE important things that are happening aroudn that scene's events, so it's not going to leave you wishing you didnt see it. THAT is the only thing i can say about it, the choice is yours sisters, but i personally would watch the 3x12 episode, and start discussing the hype of it WHILE the outro is playing (audio on, the music is amazing btw), and then wait for the scene to come on its own.. do NOT scroll in thumbnails to find it or you'll miss out on the experience and you may end up trying to find the spot too many times and seeing the scene too many times. You dont want that. You want to watch that whole flow ONCE and only ONCE and then.. well... you'll see what i mean... All i can promise is that Kiss will say "WAIT NO HAYleEE, HAYLEEE... WAIT EUHH AHH HAYLEEEEE" and Hayle's going to be in silence trying to process and say "Wait.. HUH? Wait... WHAT IS HAPPENING, siss... what am i watching??" That's my chocolate chip cookie bet on what their reaction might be (totally not because that happens every single episode and i want my damn cookie).
2024-03-14 14:47:24 Yes. Watch the 3x12 outro right after the ending scene by playing the outro on its own and start discussing your thoughts. No need to scroll for it, it's not too far out. And for those saying "Nay" to that... i get your opinion but all i can do i share my experience about it as ONE OF YOU... a person who originally didn't see the teaser... and yet advocates to see it... I know both sides. I made my judgement on this. I'm one of the people that say DONT WATCH the intros/outros because they are NOT part of the story, but are added on top by producers to hype up or sell the show. BUT the post credit scene of 3x12 is intentionally designed and built in to be watched because it's canon to the show. Not the teaser itself, but the fact that this teaser exists. It's supposed to make you watch it like that and let you think about it for a bit... thats why the show has eye catch tags like "things we can disclose AT THIS MOMENT" and other illogical narrative and animation and writing styles... the show showing you a tease of what is happening is always a style of this show. We saw it with annie, we saw it with reiner/bert reveal, we saw it even here with historia etc... The show has always loved to show a scene and spend time doing a flashback on it... and that teaser? that easier IS that scene, and we would be embarking on a very long "present times" flashback in a way, working our way towards that scene... it's how the show has always done it, so it's not something that would spoil the experience, because that scene's intentional presence in the outro (and HOW it was introduced) that scene IS the experience... we would just be doing a long flashback towards that scene happening.. and im all about that. Again, if it doesnt have a to-be-continued u can keep watching but this episode's finale is a "teaser" for something that might happen. And it's supposed to be a "WAIT WHAT" moment, and as long as you don't start freeze framing every single thing, and do a full Eric Vass breakdown of the scene, then you should be fine to experience it. I cannot speak to what you would have liked. "I" only saw this scene almost a decade after it aired mostly because i was not aware that scene existed to begin with, so i had already seen the first flow of the show without it but it had been some time since i've seen what it teased so it felt nice to finally see but all i could think about at the time was : I WISH I HAD SEEN IT BEFORE when it first aired. And from what i've seen, most reactors that reacted to watching the scene have been hyped by it or shocked and when the scene happened, most of those that I asked about in their Q&A informed us that they aren't upset that they had seen this teaser, and it didn't spoil the show for them, but it did leave them fighting the urge to rewatch it again, so as long as you set yourself up to watch a couple more episodes after this scene, then it should be a nice WTF moment for you and then not let it consume your urge to rewatch haha. So my summary is: personally i wish i had seen the scene when it first aired, and based on how many times ive seen this show, the teaser itself doesnt spoil the show because there are MUCH MUCH MORE important things that are happening aroudn that scene's events, so it's not going to leave you wishing you didnt see it. THAT is the only thing i can say about it, the choice is yours sisters, but i personally would watch the 3x12 episode, and start discussing the hype of it WHILE the outro is playing (audio on, the music is amazing btw), and then wait for the scene to come on its own.. do NOT scroll in thumbnails to find it or you'll miss out on the experience and you may end up trying to find the spot too many times and seeing the scene too many times. You dont want that. You want to watch that whole flow ONCE and only ONCE and then.. well... you'll see what i mean... All i can promise is that Kiss will say "WAIT NO HAYleEE, HAYLEEE... WAIT EUHH AHH HAYLEEEEE" and Hayle's going to be in silence trying to process and say "Wait.. HUH? Wait... WHAT IS HAPPENING, siss... what am i watching??" That's my chocolate chip cookie bet on what their reaction might be (totally not because that happens every single episode and i want my damn cookie).
2024-03-14 01:44:21 Yes. Watch the 3x12 outro right after the ending scene by playing the outro on its own and start discussing your thoughts. No need to scroll for it, it's not too far out. And for those saying "Nay" to that... i get your opinion but all i can do i share my experience about it as ONE OF YOU... a person who originally didn't see the teaser... and yet advocates to see it... I know both sides. I made my judgement on this. I'm one of the people that say DONT WATCH the intros/outros because they are NOT part of the story, but are added on top by producers to hype up or sell the show. BUT the post credit scene of 3x12 is intentionally designed and built in to be watched because it's canon to the show. Not the teaser itself, but the fact that this teaser exists. It's supposed to make you watch it like that and let you think about it for a bit... thats why the show has eye catch tags like "things we can disclose AT THIS MOMENT" and other illogical narrative and animation and writing styles... the show showing you a tease of what is happening is always a style of this show. We saw it with annie, we saw it with reiner/bert reveal, we saw it even here with historia etc... The show has always loved to show a scene and spend time doing a flashback on it... and that teaser? that easier IS that scene, and we would be embarking on a very long "present times" flashback in a way, working our way towards that scene... it's how the show has always done it, so it's not something that would spoil the experience, because that scene's intentional presence in the outro (and HOW it was introduced) that scene IS the experience... we would just be doing a long flashback towards that scene happening.. and im all about that. Again, if it doesnt have a to-be-continued u can keep watching but this episode's finale is a "teaser" for something that might happen. And it's supposed to be a "WAIT WHAT" moment, and as long as you don't start freeze framing every single thing, and do a full Eric Vass breakdown of the scene, then you should be fine to experience it. I cannot speak to what you would have liked. "I" only saw this scene almost a decade after it aired mostly because i was not aware that scene existed to begin with, so i had already seen the first flow of the show without it but it had been some time since i've seen what it teased so it felt nice to finally see but all i could think about at the time was : I WISH I HAD SEEN IT BEFORE when it first aired. And from what i've seen, most reactors that reacted to watching the scene have been hyped by it or shocked and when the scene happened, most of those that I asked about in their Q&A informed us that they aren't upset that they had seen this teaser, and it didn't spoil the show for them, but it did leave them fighting the urge to rewatch it again, so as long as you set yourself up to watch a couple more episodes after this scene, then it should be a nice WTF moment for you and then not let it consume your urge to rewatch haha. So my summary is: personally i wish i had seen the scene when it first aired, and based on how many times ive seen this show, the teaser itself doesnt spoil the show because there are MUCH MUCH MORE important things that are happening aroudn that scene's events, so it's not going to leave you wishing you didnt see it. THAT is the only thing i can say about it, the choice is yours sisters, but i personally would watch the 3x12 episode, and start discussing the hype of it WHILE the outro is playing (audio on, the music is amazing btw), and then wait for the scene to come on its own.. do NOT scroll in thumbnails to find it or you'll miss out on the experience and you may end up trying to find the spot too many times and seeing the scene too many times. You dont want that. You want to watch that whole flow ONCE and only ONCE and then.. well... you'll see what i mean... All i can promise is that Kiss will say "WAIT NO HAYleEE, HAYLEEE... WAIT EUHH AHH HAYLEEEEE" and Hayle's going to be in silence trying to process and say "Wait.. HUH? Wait... WHAT IS HAPPENING, siss... what am i watching??" That's my chocolate chip cookie bet on what their reaction might be (totally not because that happens every single episode and i want my damn cookie).

Yes. Watch the 3x12 outro right after the ending scene by playing the outro on its own and start discussing your thoughts. No need to scroll for it, it's not too far out. And for those saying "Nay" to that... i get your opinion but all i can do i share my experience about it as ONE OF YOU... a person who originally didn't see the teaser... and yet advocates to see it... I know both sides. I made my judgement on this. I'm one of the people that say DONT WATCH the intros/outros because they are NOT part of the story, but are added on top by producers to hype up or sell the show. BUT the post credit scene of 3x12 is intentionally designed and built in to be watched because it's canon to the show. Not the teaser itself, but the fact that this teaser exists. It's supposed to make you watch it like that and let you think about it for a bit... thats why the show has eye catch tags like "things we can disclose AT THIS MOMENT" and other illogical narrative and animation and writing styles... the show showing you a tease of what is happening is always a style of this show. We saw it with annie, we saw it with reiner/bert reveal, we saw it even here with historia etc... The show has always loved to show a scene and spend time doing a flashback on it... and that teaser? that easier IS that scene, and we would be embarking on a very long "present times" flashback in a way, working our way towards that scene... it's how the show has always done it, so it's not something that would spoil the experience, because that scene's intentional presence in the outro (and HOW it was introduced) that scene IS the experience... we would just be doing a long flashback towards that scene happening.. and im all about that. Again, if it doesnt have a to-be-continued u can keep watching but this episode's finale is a "teaser" for something that might happen. And it's supposed to be a "WAIT WHAT" moment, and as long as you don't start freeze framing every single thing, and do a full Eric Vass breakdown of the scene, then you should be fine to experience it. I cannot speak to what you would have liked. "I" only saw this scene almost a decade after it aired mostly because i was not aware that scene existed to begin with, so i had already seen the first flow of the show without it but it had been some time since i've seen what it teased so it felt nice to finally see but all i could think about at the time was : I WISH I HAD SEEN IT BEFORE when it first aired. And from what i've seen, most reactors that reacted to watching the scene have been hyped by it or shocked and when the scene happened, most of those that I asked about in their Q&A informed us that they aren't upset that they had seen this teaser, and it didn't spoil the show for them, but it did leave them fighting the urge to rewatch it again, so as long as you set yourself up to watch a couple more episodes after this scene, then it should be a nice WTF moment for you and then not let it consume your urge to rewatch haha. So my summary is: personally i wish i had seen the scene when it first aired, and based on how many times ive seen this show, the teaser itself doesnt spoil the show because there are MUCH MUCH MORE important things that are happening aroudn that scene's events, so it's not going to leave you wishing you didnt see it. THAT is the only thing i can say about it, the choice is yours sisters, but i personally would watch the 3x12 episode, and start discussing the hype of it WHILE the outro is playing (audio on, the music is amazing btw), and then wait for the scene to come on its own.. do NOT scroll in thumbnails to find it or you'll miss out on the experience and you may end up trying to find the spot too many times and seeing the scene too many times. You dont want that. You want to watch that whole flow ONCE and only ONCE and then.. well... you'll see what i mean... All i can promise is that Kiss will say "WAIT NO HAYleEE, HAYLEEE... WAIT EUHH AHH HAYLEEEEE" and Hayle's going to be in silence trying to process and say "Wait.. HUH? Wait... WHAT IS HAPPENING, siss... what am i watching??" That's my chocolate chip cookie bet on what their reaction might be (totally not because that happens every single episode and i want my damn cookie).

Xanakone SPT

But they are almost finished the season 3, I guess. Because they said they already passed 3×15 last week.

Charles Malo

Yeah and that's why I'm saying my opinion now after they made their choice, whatever that choice was.


If someone can explain what I've spoiled by asking how Levi will use the thing that he has, I will gladly delete the comment. This is literally the question I was asking when Levi got it when I first watched the show so... not sure what you guys are smokin'.


Oh and I don't wanna be a dick, so I'm sorry I upset y'all. I'm serious about taking it down though, I just don't get why.

Randy Flash

Lol I understand how u feel 😅 when u feel this way just remember that even for you, a lot of things that u master now in the show, u probably missed those during your 1st watch and they might have been obvious for others... thats why we have to be patient and let them figure those out on their own. Be patient

Anguis Viridis

The way I understood it, not having read the manga, was that she was, in a lighthearted way, getting back at him for being their squad leader and giving them commands/chores and what-not/being ornery. As a bit of the humor the show gives us, it made sense to me.

Anguis Viridis

Why lead folks to think he uses it, as opposed to someone else possibly acquiring it?

Anguis Viridis

Why can't you keep it to yourself if you don't like their guesses? I'm actually happy their guesses aren't always on target. I'd prefer that folks not even try, at this point in the story, and just enjoy the show as it offers its revelations. One of the joys of seeing their reactions is seeing their surprise. That's why spoiler-y comments are disappointing. They're why I'd rather have them skip comments altogether, until they reach the end of the show.

Reginald Leandre

This is why i label my comments are spoiler sensitive sir. Its to prevent the reader from looking further without realizing. And while I agree with you, some things are truly irrational to put. Even for the writer, Isayama. Dont get me wrong, this isnt just my favorite anime, its my favorite series on the planet. Im not goijg to go on to why it is, but there are things i wish Isayama didn’t put in the show…FOR EXAMPLE ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ THIS IS A SPOILER——— ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ when that officer said “I’ll make this guy into a 3-4 meter”. What was the point of that line, Isayama never expanded on it at all. Or like the season 2 theme song, it had dinosaurs. Like why did he put that there. It would have confused a viewer thinking that the world isnt just titans it dinosaurs too. Of course after a second rewatch you realize that the dinosaurs are associated to the beast titan’s childhood but still. The armor bottle is another thing too, they never expanded on it… SPOILERS ARE DONE HERE ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ anyways like i said this is my favorite series on the planet, so much so that i bought the complete manga set in japanese as a tool to understand the language. But just because i love something doesnt mean its safe from critique. Its good to have hints in your show, but its not good to have distractions.


They’re doing 3 per week, that seems like enough


What I would have said about that back when I was watching for the first time and it was an assumption: Because Levi has it, and not some chump. What I will say now is that I don't think hinting at something being set up is quite the same as spoiling or ruining the result of that set up. Also, wondering instead of outright confirming something could easily be misdirection. Like what I originally wrote is probably exactly what I would have written if the syringe got stolen from Levi later on. Like a... cheeky ambiguity. I think it's actually being spoiled that makes people think this was a spoiler.


this episode is so amazing, this one hits so hard for me for some reason 😅