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E38 - Luffy in Big Trouble! Fishmen Vs. the Luffy Pirates!
E39 - Luffy Submerged! Zoro Vs. Hatchan the Octopus!

Momoo is just misunderstood 😂🐮
LOVE our crew fighting for each other! Thanks so much for being here with us on Patreon. Your support means the world! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕




I just realized Kiss would be a perfect match for Luffy. The stuff that she does sometimes is so funny. „Calamari baby“ 😂🤣 Don’t tell Hancock I said that though!


Season 2 of the live action won’t come out till next year so I hope you guys continue watching the anime after you finish arlong park!


Would be great if you could start doing like a little recap after each arc, no matter if you continue or not. Would love to hear your thoughts on Arlong Park in the anime as a whole compared to the live action


Honestly POOR MOMOO! What a tragic story! Worst backstory of One Piece hands down, mmhmm.


Usually most anime characters have a tragic backstory that comes to the surface through flashbacks. Momoo is one of the few to have it happen in the present, poor thing is constantly getting beaten up. Also I always remember the final clash between Hatchan and Zoro because of that great line in regards to the weight of his blades, such a great moment.

Green Hog

See friends, don’t be part of the problem, like Lil Sis Carissa, who right away discriminated against the fishmen, purely based on their looks, and called them all gross looking. Be open minded and learn to love based on character, or some crap like that. That’s what I learned from One Piece

Isaac Godoy

Lol anyone else get FMAB vibes from the "big sis lil sis" nameplates. love you both, your doing great!


Listen, Momoo is cute and all, but he was fully going to eat them when he first found them and he's probably eaten a ton of other people for fun while he's out in the sea in between actual meals given to him by the Arlong pirates so yes, it's sad he got beaten up, but my guy had it coming :D


Also yes, you're not too far from the end of this arc, any thoughts either way on whether you'll continue (now or after a break) or wait for the LA, which will definitely be at least a year or so since they just started on it

Robbie Medica

She'll learn as the show continues. Right now they just seem like they're a fictional villain race like the Orcs in LoTR.


Yes he does. My Experience shows, that opposite attracts is a myth. Long term relationships are made of similar people.


I hope down the line they react to FMAB, they will love that series. It's in my top 5 anime of all time easily

Alex Alvarez

You're coming close to the end.. When is the poll for the next show!?? If you want something similarly light and funny but freaking awesome, PLEASE do "One Punch Man". If you want a little bit more serious but soooo good, ( and you'll test your detective skills Kiss!) please watch "Invincible". Both are short length (about 2 seasons each) both about super heroes, but completely opposite and incredibly good.


Please keep going after this arc😭

Robbie Medica

Don't talk as if they're ending! None of this "well here are some other ideas" uh uh, One Punch Man can be the replacement for another show, not One Piece!