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Sorry its been awhile since a new game update! I'm working hard at making an update 17.5 which should include

  • Start Menu
  • Damsel Cloth Customization
  • Damsel Select (in start menu)
  • Revised Tech Pole (w/ bug fixes)
  • New Restraint Stasis Tube (May just use it as a starting restraint that drops the damsel into the map)

v17.5 will be available for Patrons Only, but don't fret! v0.18 will be free to play and potentially the last one for awhile. V0.18 will include almost everything so far except for changing damsels in-game, that will be a patreon only option.  In addition v0.18 will be dubbed the Punishment Update. I've already spriinkled hints as to what will be included, but once I finished v0.17.5 I'll work on a full description on what you can look forward to in the update, or at least what I'll be trying to work on and implement. Thank you for your patience, and thanks alot to those of your that support me on Patreon! You make working on the project on my freetime worth while and I hope to meet your alls expectations! At minimum I'll be releasing one updated per month. But I want to get into the motion of release 2-3 updates per month. I'd love to do 4 updates a month, but I think I might burn myself out so we'll take it on a case by case depending on the amount of content I need to work on!


(Stationary Restraint)

  • Mechanical Statsis Tube (A reinforced tube that can transport the damsels in and out of arenas. Used for storage and secure transportations)
  • Stasis Tube (either zero-g levitation, or if I can figure it out, breathable liquid filled tank)
  • Liquid Metal Holding Cell (Simple makes damsel kneel arms bound at side, advanced levitates damsel with rotating rings
  • Portable Damsel Hitch (A restraint that can be placed on the floor, wall or high wall. It shoots out holo-rope and holds down/holds up/holds still a nearby damsel. Normally tethering to wrists, but may have additional anchor points for more resistant damsels)


  • Forward Arm Orb?
  • Tech Cuff (Forward and Back)
  • Tape (from an Auto Taper or general tape. Will potentially include variations so there can be minor taping and major taping)

- Auto-Taper


  • Latex Vat
  • Zero-G Modulator (makes damsel float helplessly, moving slower and easier to catch)
  • Stasis Beam ( freezes a damsel in place to be picked up and transported by certain minions. If none are available a pick-up drone will be called )


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