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Here's  another one of the Knights coming in the next release. Following feedback I received from you guys, I want to start focusing a bit more on modularity, so this kit will be more modular than  usual: each knight is composed by rider (10), horse (10), lance and  shield, all separate pieces.

This will allow you to print even  larger armies and still maintain variety throughout the ranks.  Furthermore, the knights have been designed with formation in mind: some  have couched lances and so are meant to stand at the front of the  formation, while others have upright lances and are meant to fill the  back lines. This makes them perfect for square bases and movement trays  as well!

The knights are now all done, I'm currently working on the crossbowmen and I will show you some of them soon!



Chainmail looks fantastic. Beautiful pose! Although the horse might need a second connector to the base, as it could be to heavy to stand only on glue.