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[Legal note: If you are reading this on any other site aside from my Patreon or Youtube, this audio has been stolen and posted by criminals. It is likely a very unsafe site, so please be careful out there]

Your yandere girlfriend is hiding something.... She has been cleaning all day but you see some red stains everywhere. She keeps trying to distract you but... you aren't falling for it. You finally get into a room she is trying to keep you out of and realize.. your ex girlfriend is in there. She is still alive and you have to talk your current girlfriend in going further.... Oi she is insane!




So is if this is a safe work version so are we going to get an not work version later


Unsure on that one. I think I am going to do daily uploads here but not all will be NSFW. Def going to have plenty of spice but we do have the support tier and they don't get the NSFW, want to give them something that isn't just on Youtube

paul foster

I count my blessings & I'm frustrated alittle with this one, Talk about experienceing the inner conflict,on the one hand the passionate desire from her & then theres the crazy I'll cut your head off with a blunt spoon vibe, so the end result is that I'm feeling arousal but I get a creepy feeling I'm looked at like I'm prey, what a clever method of adding a twist. Ps, I hope you enjoyed yourself while (supposedly) taking a break /time off , please don't go thinking you owe anything,it is we that owe you,our gratitude, appreciation & thanks for the storyteller you are & the effort in your work. Love you, thanks from a good number of us .☺️