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Feel free to comment videos you would like to see me do for my youtube channel <3.

What I wont do:
* fanfic based - so many companies get nice and threatening that I try to stay away from them
* anything that breaks Youtube TOS
* Most insects - huge archne phobe and just bugs in general. I have made some but just not ready to do many more unless the mood is right.


Gerald Allen Overdorf

Plot: Neko accidentally drinks the after work Catnip Tea instead of the normal tea and wholesome/sfw shenanigans happen (like "i fits i sits", easily amused by string, and laser/light dot chasing)


A literal blind date where the listener cannot see that the woman they have been set up with is a gorgeous supermodel. Naturally, she finds it refreshing and exciting!


Olga gets sucked into this realm from her magical realm and a Cryptid investigator who is also a Star Trek fan thinks she's a trackie going as Green Orion slave girl the local Star Trek convention.


I love to see a wolf girl track a human like she’s hunting, but when she has him pinned she catches his scent and her mind shifts to a different desire.