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A different way to celebrate the end of the year for the ohoho-sama~

White - https://mega.nz/file/jNQy3ZwC#RvRfIu4_QSABzv1tNDgHrI8l5N2IHeLJzyZCvL_ORO0
Black - https://mega.nz/file/6Q4GmShb#fA0jkWpNAEo5lgLiBKq_ELpbKnkED2c_x43sxsPHJl4
Now with sound!

It's still 2023 here (for an hour more...), so the deadline is technically met! Polishing this was absolutely exhausting, goddamn. The pose was too good to just do a short loop for it, but I also had trouble coming up with enough ideas to keep it going for a minute straight...

I have two things to talk about this time: first, I got a new gpu! Saw a 4060 Ti w/ 16gb VRAM on a chunky discount and decided to just jump on it. Still figuring out how far can I push it, but render times are twice, almost three times as fast compared to my old 1650 Super. And aside from performance, this means I can use more characters and more elaborate scenes now.
This wouldn't be possible without your support! I can't thank you enough, but I can promise you that I will continue to improve and bring quality lewds to you all.

Secondly, about next year plans. I want to do animations that are both longer and more elaborate. Multiple poses and /or with more story context (don't worry, I won't get too unhinged with the story aspect). Thankfully, rendering that will be a lot easier now.
Obviously, I'm no Fatcat or ZMSFM, but they're big inspirations for me.

That's enough talking for now. Happy New Year, folks! Let's make it a good one! 🎅




Happy New Year! Look forward to more works from you, Sir!(。・ω・。)ノ♡

Larile Millvet

That's a big upgrade for your card. It a surprise that you have been using quite a low end card this whole time. Your next milestone should be a 2 4090 Ti's 💰💸💸💸


But then I'll have to pay all my monthly earnings just to cover the power bills 🤡 Jokes aside, the old GPU did get the job done... eventually. And so long as I didn't throw anything too complex at it. Limiting, but it's something you can work around.

Larile Millvet

Those red (orange?) gloves and stockings look real good on Lili.