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Just Lili labbing those splits~

"""Clothed""" - https://mega.nz/file/eQIFjS5D#5ouhmrxO6MaA0wYVyoxP5e5LM1Zm5VGGZKGjPxxjF1k
Nude - https://mega.nz/file/HI5HHIIT#GfC29Q4BNAWPpkAc3-azb5boJpkS_WVB4NwtB8j55gg
Now with audio!

Sorry it took us so long, we've had some technical difficulties!

Ended up taking a little bit longer than expected and Imma blame Tekken 8 for that. I actually haven't touched fightans since the PSX days and decided to pick it up on a whim - and been having a lot of fun so far. Except for Eddy matches. Eddy can go fuck himself.
Tried a more... intense approach to hair simulation with this one and I think it worked out. Though I couldn't get it to loop perfectly without cheating a little bit. Hope you folks know the pain of living anywhere near poplar trees. 😂 
Up next - Sayuri! 




UWOOOOHH!!! THIS IS THE STUFF!!! Ohhh, ohhh-aaswdawf34123#@$%^@#$%!@ ........................ (ー_ー ) Ahem, exquisite work, Mister Lewdgazer. Miss Rochefort's beauty, elegance, and flexibility are fully displayed in this short movie as she partakes in her rigorous training, which serves to maintain her ability in always performing at her best during fights, and never compromising in her belief that even in battle, one must move with finess and elegance. The act of inserting an object of a most peculiar shape into her intimate part right between her legs, while at first glance indecent and unnesessary, shows that the young lady works to be able to fully maintain concentration in battle, accounting for ALL possible tactics her opponent may try to employ against her. Overall, an adequate glimpse into Miss Rochefort's daily routine. I give this work an acceptable Lewd/10.


It's important to cover every possible scenario while training, would be most uncouth if she lost a match because someone got stuck in her most "intimate part." An embarrassment of a lifetime, really. Definitely not thinking about animating that now.


exciteing idea


How soon is audio...?


The splits are very sexy. I need more