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This is a lot less scary than meeting up with a stranger face-to-face. Just Josie things.

AV1 encoding:
White - https://mega.nz/file/HV4Q3I6Y#MzxOiMIab1cUvAGwNozBzRm9NVMyP6h-WshJXyNf6Og
Black - https://mega.nz/file/HJJgDDoY#gWJQK8qx2s6P-t9t-nvV1xMTyK3BWowSxkn0oCLLM9Y

H264 encoding (use this if playback's stuttering):

White - https://mega.nz/file/fZgjiRCQ#KCZ2JzaZEffxR3XK1AOqqCXGT_HEQoqKJnlkj3BwrjE 

Black - https://mega.nz/file/LAgEBDZS#wo5eAQgNge61dDq2V08rLBvXFtoRcBSA_40v6_rPBj4 

Extra variant coming soon~

AAAAAAAAA JOSIE. Seriously proud of how this one turned out, between the lighting, camera angles, overall pacing and even the sound. Once again, shout-out to Evilaudio and CinderDryad.
Lots of improvements on the technical side this time - I figured out 60fps interpolation and tested different encoding options. What this means is that you guys are getting videos at 60fps at a fraction of the filesize from now on, if everything works right. AV1 is crazy strong and, as far as I can tell, seems to have decent support already.
Still, please let me know if there's any issues with playback, just in case. If it's all good, I'll re-encode all my older animations in the same way.

A bit of technical trivia for my colleagues: I use Davinci Resolve to render the image sequences into video, but its encoding options are a bit limited, at least in the free version. You can use Handbrake (totally free and user-friendly transcoder) to cut down the filesizes without any loss in quality, just because it offers a lot more options. This is my first time trying AV1 and it seems kinda nuts.

Anyway, enjoy!




Looks good! It might just be me but I'm having issues with this encoding option. Trying to watch it on android phone's video player and it plays at like 2 fps, even in the mega preview it doesn't show smoothly.


It's always the shy ones that are a bit more freaky! Look at her, taking it in the ass along with a nice creamy filling! ❤️ Like a boss! I like how you added the knocking sound effect before the guy cums, like in those gloryhole porn movies. It's almost like Josie herself is making one. 🤔


Gotcha! Same happens on my phone too. I'm gonna fiddle with various settings to see if I can fix that without losing the quality or blowing up the filesize.


Love the shy pervs, that's the idea 🥰 Partially, I just wanted to animate Josie getting spooked by something, and have it fit into overall vibe, so knocking made perfect sense! But also, it's part of my ongoing plan to put more thought into sound as well.


Great, Mr. Lewdgazer, your creation is even better~ ୧(⁼̴̶̤̀ω⁼̴̶̤́ )૭

Larile Millvet

Playback is hitching/jerky. Could you re-encode this with h264? There's nothing wrong with AV1, because I've played back other AV1 videos just fine. You've got some tweaking to do.


Arghhh, I've tried all the settings and none of them made a difference... There's nothing wrong with AV1 per se, but decoding it can be more or less difficult for various devices, from what I understand. And I'm missing something related to that. I added the links for h264 nvenc, same as what I used for a long time now.


I honestly did not notice Josie that much before, but this animation has really opened my eyes 👀 Wow!


Hehe 😎 Sadly, she is a bit underrated, but maybe Tekken 8 will change that soon!

Larile Millvet

Wow, Josie is a hoe. But in a good way 😈😈😈

Larile Millvet

Forgot to say, the entire scene looks great. Camera angles, lighting, her body.


Thank you, feels like I really went all-out on it 😊 Technical difficulties with encoding kinda got in the way, but ehh, we'll figure them out eventually too!