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Out here, these islands were all but deserted, even to the natives, a thousand or more scattered like leaves adrift in the wind. Who knew what treasures they still held? But for the evils that roamed these lands, those treasures threatened to remain hidden. The only ones daring or crazy enough to delve deep into these uncharted lands were two sisters, Adhana and Pazra. Once unknown slum rats, they had come into prominence as relic hunters to both collectors and pirates. 

Between the two of them, they had many curious features. For one thing, they were both slightly taller than most girls, even some men. However, beyond this, they each complimented the other. Adhana’s figure and voluptuousness were enough to attract attention where ever she went, while Pazra’s androgynous, boyish figure would draw eyes as they washed and bathed with the other women. Adhana’s hair was bright, pure gold, while Pazra’s was light silver, not in color, but it showed like metal. In the night their hair together almost glowed like starlight and in the day it reflected the sunlight like polished armor. Each sister shared the other’s beautiful hair color in each other’s eyes, Adhana’s silver, and Pazra’s gold. In this way, they had also complimented the other’s personality. Adhana was eloquent and graceful, well-spoken, learned, more scholar than an adventurer. Pazra, meanwhile, was aloof, withdrawn, and felt she could speak more with her actions or with a well-placed blade than she could her words.

Together, they had earned the right and trust to finally have come this far, but this voyage risked everything they had built. What little fortune they had amassed trading and traveling, it had all been for this voyage, spent on passage and dealings with anyone as crazy as they were to sail so far into forbidden seas. 

For their purposes, that was Captain Haduke. Haduke had a certain love for his life as a privateer, pirate, and treasure hunter, but he made sure others understood his motivations, especially his crew. Gold wasn’t power, but the language of the world, and he would take whatever advantage he could to secure it. His crew didn’t mind. Haduke had taken his time and purse to select a crew of savvy mercenaries like himself. He prided himself that he wasn’t a cutthroat. He said that out here he saw justice as he saw fit. It made him dangerous, but it also made him willing to sail into dark waters without a map, where any dark spot could mean death. It took some convincing but after an offer of fifty percent of whatever they found, as well as the promise of an old cave he could pillage trading ships from while he waited for them to return, Haduke had assured Adhana and Pazra’s safety to the unknown shores they sought, provided they were to travel with his own sellswords, Grey and Corwin. 

They would need that cave anyway, as it turned out. Though a little far from their destination, there was no telling how long the expedition could be. Shelter was vital. Adhana had followed rumors that the caves she had been looking for were miles deep. It was agreed that Adhana, her sister Pazra, and Haduke’s men, Grey and Corwin, would be dropped off on an Eastern shoreline near the valley they sought. Haduke would establish a camp near their cave to the North. If, after a month they didn’t return, their lives were forfeit to Haduke and he would either leave them for dead or kill them if they had abandoned him for some greater treasure.

Grey and Corwin were not questions-asking types. It was this and their skill with the blade that made them valuable to Haduke. They had done much for the Captain without cause, trusting his judgment, and were also smart enough to understand that they stood to make more profit if they simply did his bidding under his protection. But they were still men, and they weren’t stupid enough to trust the sisters.

Of course, Pazra lived a life almost completely unaware of lustful advances. Adhana, however, constantly had to keep the urges of men in check for her own safety. She learned very quickly not to trust any man, as she should.

As they pulled themselves ashore, each knew they would have to be on their guard with one another. The men knew that the women they traveled with weren’t being forthcoming about what they were really looking for, and the women knew that at the end of the day they could never be certain what the men were truly capable of doing.

Together, the four took their expedition across a mountain range that then descended into a concealed valley over a few days. Then they saw what they had been searching for, the gaping jaws of a cavern at the foot of a silent mountain in the shadows of the deep valley. Though mostly broken or indistinguishable from the surrounding rock, some ruins of past life and worship abounded here. The cave-entrance itself was adorned with the carved maw of an eyeless black dragon, made entirely of obsidian, the finer details of gold and jewel wrappings of its glory having long ago been robbed. Its curved, sabertooth fangs were like pillars into a profane temple. Among the wreckage of a forgotten world, the great, worn stones of a naked goddess figure could be just recognized, broken, sinking into the earth.

“Gods, these people had a way of living,” Grey broke their uncomfortable silence. “What was she, like the goddess of tits?” Pazra was unamused, being flat-chested.

“She’s not a goddess anymore,” Adhana whispered.

Here, in all but truly forgotten myths, known only to the sisters, evil crept out into the world, and here it had been beaten back so long ago. This temple was abandoned back when mankind still carried stones as weapons, a world without history or memory. Ironically, it was one of the safer areas in the jungle, Pazra had noticed, exceptionally silent at night. But that gave her cause to worry. What horrors crept in this area of the jungle, or from the mouth of this temple, that could silence all the others? And yet into the black mouth of the abyss, they sojourned onward.

The four began to lose all sense of context when surrounded by walls and all-pervading darkness. The stone and its many passages down had its own way of disorienting a visitor. At one time perhaps, this was a palace to a great deity, but now every new cavern was a labyrinth, a mess of erosion, cracks, and dead lava tunnels, all of which held no promise that they led anywhere at all. The sisters knew they wished to descend, but up or down seemed to lose their meaning after a while. When one grew accustomed to looking out to a level horizon, so many slant passageways and vertical shafts began to taunt the mind with illusions. Pazra, the younger of the two, had been determined to keep track of time, determined to know when day shown above, or when stars shone around them even though the sky was hidden to her. Here all that ruled was darkness, silent and final. Even the passage of time began to lose meaning as one stared at blank rock after blank rock. 

Finally, it seemed, they could go no deeper. Curiously, there was a white beach of sorts in front of them, an almost completely ordered chamber of dunes of some kind, drifts of what looked like finely ground sand lay in front of them. Corwin was careful to disturb as little of it as possible as he stepped on to it and licked a small handful of grains from his hand.

“Salt,” He frowned with a discernible shake. Adhana followed him shortly after and explored the underground desert. It was ordered very well into line after line of drifts, almost like the bottom of a shoreline beneath the waves. Water must have flowed here ages ago, cut off now by some tremor sifting a rock into an opportune dam or drain to reveal this treasure of natural history. For millennia there was nothing, and now Adhana stood upon it. It fascinated her. However, as if in answer to her intrusion, her lightweight managed to shift enough grains beneath her and the salt bank she stood on began to swallow her. 

In terror, Adhana cried out from being sucked down as Corwin was taken with her. It didn’t take much deliberation for Pazra to throw herself into the sinkhole after her dear friend with no thought to her own survival. She was all she had. Much to Grey’s dismay, after seeing the rest of his party disappear, he tethered his climbing supplies into a nearby crack and dove in, letting line out as he fell.

Luckily the sinkhole was no death trap, but a passageway, concealed and maintained by nature alone. After nearly suffocating, the two girls emerged, holding each other in the salt drift that had piled up around them. It was coarse and burning in their senses, but they were alive. They breathed each other in for a moment longer before Corwin and Grey dusted themselves off.

Slowly they began to gather themselves in the chamber the had emerged in looking for a new light. It was a Stygian blackness, but it would soon be carved out by the light of their fires. Here darkness was like a fume or an essence that could be breathed in. The torches that Adhana and Pazra carried almost wafted the dark away like stubborn cobwebs as if remaining undisturbed for so long had given it mass and form. Before them now was dome of imposing architecture, either by hand or by nature, overgrown with a forest of growing stalagmites and hanging stalactites. The floor, encrusted with millennia of mineral deposits appeared to be at one time polished granite, entirely preserved. Raised in the center of the dome was a salt-covered mesa, lined with crystal pillars that surrounded a large bowl-like depression, serving as an altar for a single, great, dark, purple crystal the size of a carriage. Even while covered by salt drifts and the ravages of time, some of the blankets and pillows held within the depression were perfectly preserved. 

“What is this?” inquired Grey.

“It appears to be some kind of royal bedchamber,” Adhana responded.

“It’s an orgy chamber,” Corwin added, and not by experience.

Perhaps this crystal was the great treasure they had been searching for, and it drew Grey and Corwin forward, absent-minded about the red iron dust of chains and manacles, and the fossilized skeletons which only just left barely an impression in the hardened salt dunes. As they drew near, the dark crystal glowed with an inner hue of dark light that seemed to show on only them.

“We cannot linger,” Pazra called out to the men. Grey, drew his pickaxe staring at the monolith in the center of the room.

“I mean we’re here for treasure, right? What about this bigass Crystal?”

“I wouldn’t do that,” Pazra warned.

“Why not?” Grey asked, turning around, half annoyed. Just for a moment, all four were silent, wondering if there would be a problem. Grey and Corwin knew this wasn’t just an expedition for treasure.

“What’s the problem?” Corwin stepped in, hand on sword hilt.

“Look,” Adhana began, “we don’t even know where we are. It’s better to leave what we don’t know untouched.” Corwin and Grey looked at each other.

“Why the hell did we come down here if not for this?” Corwin looked suspicious. Before Adhana could answer she was cut off.

“Down here, death can come from anywhere,” Grey began, “and we don’t know when our next chamber will seal behind us,” he looked upward. “I’m not passing this up just because we don’t know what it is. This could be all we find.”

“I’ve brought you this far-” Adhana began.

“Yea,” Grey began, “well all I see are some rocks and some jizz covered room. We’re hacking off whatever we can carry. We’ll come back for the rest.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Grey swung his pickaxe into the center crystal. The sound was painful enough it alone might have stopped any further protests from Adhana and Pazra. Pazra held her sister back. Her protection mattered more to her than whatever these sellswords might take or destroy. The crystal was remarkably hard and resisted much of the abuse it received, but perhaps through the weathering of pressure and time even in this lonely and preserving place, a fault had formed. Maybe in another thousand years, it might have loosened a slab or more of the crystal to fracture but helped along by a single touch it threatened to break the whole thing now.

After one final blow, the fault gave way and the pressure that kept the crystal together now began to split it apart violently. It was startling how close it was to erupting this way. The chamber beyond responded to the disturbance as though it had been working and waiting for a moment such as this. Strange standing stones in the distance pulsed with a light, each with its own uniquely shaped shadow entombed within. The pulsing lights revealed more of the orgy chamber and a strange landscape beyond. Standing pools of water, undisturbed for millennia, still lingered with luminescent, glass-like crystals and stalagmite columns rising up from the deep all around. Glass crystals blanketed the chamber like a forest of thorns, growing in all directions. The center stone revealed some terrifying shadow within, some fossilized skull, from a now-extinct species

In the dim light, they could still see, and the light began to rise. The center stone began to take on some properties of ice and began to melt rapidly now, revealing some form concealed underneath. A single wound of alarming proportions from Grey’s axe began to bleed with a dark, slick, silver oil. The cave revealed itself in the light to be a natural cathedral, complete with a silent chorus of aurora emanating from the surrounding stones. Suddenly, some kind of boiling acid poured onto the cave floor right at Grey’s feet as he had already begun to step back, taking with it whole slabs of crystal-like the rapid melting of some glacier, exposing a smooth figure beneath. It slumped onto the floor like a slip of wet clay, but with an erotic sigh. The figure writhed there a moment, disturbed, whimpering and cooing like a spoiled maiden unwilling to rise from sleep for a day at court. Her hot breath could be heard as she sighed. She lay there in the fetal position for a moment before the stone wound that had just birthed her. 

She was a pale goddess, an albino, an idealized form or mold of a woman as if revealed by the hands of a master sculptor, though she put all works of the human form, in both stone and life, to shame. To look upon her was to look at the progenitor of all human beauty in the world, the reason for aesthetics at all, a beauty that the mere passing of generations had all but diluted. Beyond this divine form, it was clear she was some form of inhuman, alien and surreal. Light shone through her as though she were a milky white gem. Her frosty white skin, glasslike bones, and translucent organs shifted and stirred away inside of her. She wore nothing, but speckled across her skin in an array of patterns over her arms, knees, back, and torso, were diamond-shaped, obsidian scales as black as the abyss which surrounded them. Her head was crowned in a wreath of beautiful obsidian horns. Her snow-white hair coiled all around her in massive heaps, ending in an inky blackness which all but concealed a dim rainbow of color underneath, as though it broke or drank the light around it. 

She lay there a moment in the steaming pool, all but oblivious to the silver acid which boiled around her. She seemed tired and vexed, constantly bearing her wrists and knuckles onto her face to help her awaken. Though she seemed lucid, her eyes would not open. Much of her face was still concealed by her hair. Adhana and Pazra gripped one another tightly, each in an effort to protect the other, but they did not appear to be in any real danger. Instead, it was the men drawing their swords that drew the attention of their naked host in the cavern. She blindly fondled around herself toward the noise, sighing and cooing so sweetly. She did not even appear to understand how to walk. Against Adhana’s better judgment, she took pity on the beautiful creature, rested her hand on Pazra’s a moment to assure her, then drew closer to the stones. Grey and Corwin were awestruck, completely beside themselves.

Adhana stood over the albino a moment besides Grey, perplexed and in awe of the sight as she writhed toward them a little. Beneath her opalescent, translucent, white skin, were the churning inner workings of her body on display. Her muscles and skeleton appeared almost polarized, all but invisible from certain angles. As the goddess would move, however, certain facets of that polarization would frost over with her skin. She had no pigment to speak of, but it was as though she could make portions of herself translucent, similar to the way an octopus or cuttlefish changed their color rapidly.

Adhana gulped and nearly recoiled in fear at the sight of this alien creature, but she couldn’t help but pity it. Perhaps too tired, the goddess filled a moment with indiscernible sound, as if speaking from a dream. Then its words cleared.

“Hungry…” it sighed with urgency, then breathed deeply in. 

“What did she say?” Corwin leaned further in. Grey seemed entranced, under some kind of spell, gravitating toward the goddess. 

“Please my lady,” he let out a loving whisper. In her incoherent fumbling, the pale goddess’s hand found Grey’s pant leg, and she used it to pull herself upright. 

“Grey, what are you doing?” Adhana gasped.

“You don’t know… how long it has been,” Grey folded. Her touch, still heavy with the oil, burned through his armor and pants, bubbling off his skin harmlessly, but not without some other effect. Contained, only just barely, behind Grey’s pants was a massive erection, which sprung free as the rest of his pants evaporated away from the touch of the oil and the long claws of the goddess. It seemed unnaturally darkened and turgid before her. Warmly the goddess hummed and giggled as she sniffed Grey’s sweating cock. 

Grey was enraptured and filled with desire, but Corwin still had enough of his senses about him to be appalled. 

“I-I cannot look away!” he cried to Adhana and Pazra, but they had recoiled away, unwilling, unable to watch. Neither of them were any match for the goddess. The albino creature began stroking Grey, the oil on her hands evaporating on him, pooling his genitals even more to bursting. 

“Oh! Oh, Gods!” Before he could split open, the albino sprang for his cock with an animalistic inhale. “Oh! OH, GODS! I-it’s so warm!” The pale creature aggressively swallowed his unnatural size down inside of her, quickly able to deepthroat his entire length and back fluidly. She never held back, already going at full speed, her nearly transparent neck not hiding a single detail, the taut skin and veins pressed back and forth with the pressure of her expert movements. “What is happening to me!?” Grey called out. He darkened and lengthened another couple inches inside of the albino’s mouth, who continued to take him in, deeper and deeper, unphased. She then, finally slowed into a final pullout, ending with Grey’s meaty head still completely in her mouth, her lips pursed around him as he began to throb uncontrollably. Grey winced and burst as she lingered there, much to her delight, his rod and balls pumping all they had, almost audibly, as she gulped it down. 

The pale goddess’s complexion changed radically as she received him, almost brightening her snowy-white appearance as she let him drip down her neck. She released Grey from her mouth somewhat dismayed, a look of frustration contorted her face.  

“By the gods, I’ve never cum like that in my life,” Grey exhaled. As he did so, the albino wiped up the river of cum flowing down her milky breasts with a single finger before eating that too, then returned to Grey, sucking him down. “Ay! What are you doing!?” he exclaimed, unable to pull away. She began to siphon him out down her throat, draining him, shoving her tongue down his urethra. Shortly thereafter he began to cry out in pain and in ecstasy, his balls strained, their veins distended.

“Grey…?” Corwin stepped in. “She’s…” The albino, still busy blowing Grey, sat on her snowy white ass, her waist turned toward Corwin, drawing him in. Her perfect, puffy vulva spread for him. “...She’s perfect.” 

Meanwhile, Adhana held her back to the wall, trying to resist whatever spell the other men were under, trying to look away. She noticed Pazra there, trying to keep her eyes closed but blushing, panting with excitement, holding her hands to the cave walls, trying to keep them away from herself. Adhana noticed some bulge she hid within her pants, a river of translucent juice streaming onto the floor from her crotch. Even if by just sound alone, she was all but completely entranced.

Corwin fell to his knees before the albino in worship as he picked up her spread hips and thighs, positioning them on his exposed cock. He throbbed there a moment, not resisting, but perhaps enjoying just the pleasure alone of the contact of his skin with hers, his throbbing frenulum to her pulsing clitoris. Curiously, the soft tissue of her vagina was a light lavender instead of pink. She did not have the same blood flowing in her veins as other humans did. Meanwhile, Grey’s urethra and balls were engorged, their every artery and tube distended by the wrapping branches of something the albino hid within her mouth. Grey’s eyes were rolled back within his head, utterly spent. Corwin pushed himself in, already drooling in her presence. At first, he was resisted by how tight the goddess was, but by sheer force, her flesh relented. 

“S-so soft…” was all Corwin could release from his mouth as he lost himself in paradise. A moment later he managed, “...I can’t stop!” as he uncontrollably fucked her as hard as he could.

Finally, something in Grey gave away like the uprooting of a tree. Grey’s balls were crushed inside of him. Retracting her tongue away within herself, Grey’s crotch was revealed to be little more than a bloody stump now, the rest of himself little more than a husk. She gasped air for the first time. Grey’s dry body slumped onto the floor, unmoving, as she gripped onto Corwin’s shoulder and pushed him down so she could ride on top of him. Her free, heavy, but firm breasts, joyously bounced up and down, ending in their puffy, lavender nipples. 

Every inch of Corwin could be seen inside of her as she stopped and clamped down on him, the complex muscles inside of her pulling his orgasm out. As she filled with Corwin’s pleasure, she fell forward, her breasts in his face as it had appeared she had grown in size. It soon became apparent that once Corwin had begun to cum he couldn’t stop, nor could he barely breathe, his mind lost in another realm. Unable to stop pumping, his cock grew and grew, pumping harder than it had before, pumping until it had nothing left, his balls crumbling under the pressure. His sack now, completely empty. Corwin’s strained wincing could be heard only a moment longer, but as she pulled herself from him, nothing was left but a bloody stump where he had used to be. 

The goddess herself slumped over from the corpses of the two men she had spent, still seemingly without the strength to stand, sitting on her butt. She appeared frustrated with something. A quiet pulse could be heard that arose into a flush of fluids in her body. It filled the room as something engorged and became tumescent. She spread her legs to reveal it was her vulva making the audible noise, purple and inflamed. The lips of her labia pursed together as tightly as they could until they became almost a seam. She was undergoing some kind of transformation. It caused her a great fit of pain as she pressed her fingers onto her pubic bone. Her glossy translucency went wild like that of a cuttlefish. Something alongside her uterus pulsed with agony, growing, trying to break free. Suddenly, as her fingertips reached the border of her swollen vulva, one side of the albino’s labia majora filled with an ovoid shape. It was as though she had laid an egg of considerable size into the flesh of her pubic area. A moment later, the other side of her labia filled with a similar shape to her great relief. Her frosted skin released its mask and became translucent, revealing that the shapes were testicles, perhaps similar in shape to that of a horse’s, but bigger in size. She pulled their bulk from her body a moment to give them some kind of a stretch. Somehow the stub of her clitoral hood remained above her newly formed scrotum as a sheath of some kind, and her vaginal opening remained beneath it, all while the rest had knitted together into the seam of a soft, translucent scrotum.

With that passed, the pale goddess let go, letting her hulking balls fall to the floor with a weighty “thud.” She fell on her back with a sigh and resumed sleeping like an angel with barely the energy needed to wipe herself of the blood of the two men she had claimed.

Pazra blushed, she could not hide her lust from what she had just seen or the desire that filled her. A small puddle had been collecting by her feet from where she was squatting. With the spell now passed she attempted to catch her breath, and she pulled her hand to her trembling chest. Her heart kicked so brilliantly within her small frame that it almost lifted her back from the wall. She and Adhana looked at each other, trying to process what had come over each of them, and what to do with the sleeping goddess now. They both knew they were trapped with her and whatever her appetite demanded.


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