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Hello everyone,

I wanted to give you all some news after a whole month of break.

Billing paused for July

First thing first: my break will be extended for another month. So you guys won't be billed for July.

How things go for me at the moment

Since I stopped to make artworks at the end of May, my mental health didn't cease to deteriorate. While I thought on how to rebrand my tiers and content, I also lost self confidence, A LOT. I tried to work on a new animation for Super Girl, but I couldn't get any decent result even after many hours spent on it. I ended up posting the unfinished mess on Twitter and, surprise, it flopped even harder than my worst stills since the day I begun as an artist. I deleted it and all I got was to feel even worse for what I'm even capable of regarding animation and art in general. As you can imagine, it didn't get better after this and I kept being repelled by myself day after day. 

But then, on June 22th, Final Fantasy 16 came out. I expected it to be my GOTY, and the least I can say is that this one exceeded my expectations by faaaar. I still didn't finish it (I currently have 30 hours behind me, so I'm halfway, pretty much), but I can already tell you all that it's now my new favourite game of all time. It has flaws, definitely, but they get beaten to the ground by the overall quality of the game for me. And not only that, but also the main female protagonist became the new number one lady of my heart. I loooove Jill Warrick, even beyond what I could feel for Ayane or Jessie until now.

Regarding (near) future

All of this to say that FF16 and Jill both help me to cure this depression a lot. They are the breathe of fresh air I needed to get better. But also, they change my whole perspective on how I'll approach content creation in the future. My aim will still be to progressively switch from stills to animations as main focus, no change on this. But I now tend to question the choice of characters and IPs I want to focus on and what place I want to give to SFW (even just for the sake of doing wholesome thingies for Clive & Jill, because they deserve it) regarding stills. It still requires thinking and time for it. The only thing I'm sure of is that things won't be the same for me anymore after playing this game. For now I'm just thankful for the joy and love FF16 and Jill herself provide to me. It's truly a blessing.

About my promise to still deliver despite pausing billing

Finally, I won't avoid talking about the promise I made to still create a bit of content even if (most of) you didn't get billed.

For people who started to support me before this month and who didn't get billed, I can't do much outside of apologising. I feel very bad towards you all, but I can't do much more than apologise for failing you. Things didn't go like I thought it would, but it is what it is. In my current condition I can't promise to deliver anything before the end of July but I'll do what I can to come back as soon as I'll feel ready for it again.

For new patrons who started to support me in June and who got billed for this month, I'll contact all of you individually during the coming days to find a way to compensate this.


  • Billing paused for July
  • I currently have a hard breakdown, but Final Fantasy 16 and Jill help me to get better
  • FF16 makes me question what type of content I want to do in the future (NSFW and sex animations will remain, but maybe more space for wholesome SFW on stills and a different approach of characters that I feature in my work)
  • Sorry for no content in June. For people who were billed because they started their pledge in June, you will be contacted soon for compensation. 
  • Thank you so much for your support


I'll try to not wait another month to give you news again. Until then, thank you everyone for sticking with me and for still supporting me. I wouldn't be there anymore without you. 

Take good care of yourself 💗

PS: Enjoy that photo of Jill I took yesterday



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