The FUTURE is NOW (Patreon)
Not only is this a vast improvement upon my past sound quality - with this amazing device, the intense Zoom H-6 in all its glory, I will be able to provide you the ultimate relaxation experience in all future videos.
Thank you for making this possible. I know I've been putting off getting new equipment due to expected changes in my living situation but things just lined up so perfectly (Merry Xmas to me! Lol) that this investment won't set back my savings too much. Look at this beautiful thing - look at it. Now realize that YOU made this happen. Thanks to your support this is now a thing. Thank you.
So yes, this month's video bonanza will start a little late - but it will all be worth it! Please be patient while I figure this thing out lol. I can't wait to break it in! I shouldn't use words like that during mercury retrograde... but you know what I mean!
Happy Holidays to everyone and get excited for shiny, new, more immersive than ever videos!