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"You return to your home after years away adventuring, and find that life had largely gone on without you. Your old friend the innkeeper isn't taking guests at the moment, but he always has time for you."

Hello everyone! This started as a wonderful commission for a Patron, and I thought it was too good not to share. :) This is equal parts SFW and NSFW, so if there isn't any fucking just yet, don't worry!




I’ve never been one for monster audios but I find whatever you do I become very very into. This was SO GOOD and your voice work! It’s always good but this was especially good, you’re so talented :)


Posting my "book report" here so that my praise will be preserved :P Oh my god, the amount of backstory and crafting you put into this story?! AMAZING. I was drawn in immediately, and was not expecting the time skip, and the changes with your character in the intervening years, just VOCALLY not even to mention the descriptive ways you detail that he's changed, that they've both changed - you put so much thought and care into it, it's a sumptuous feast for the ears. (I'm writing this while I'm relistening, and I'm only 30 seconds in and paused to write all that. So buckle up, I guess, lol) The thing with the guy ringing the bell while you're trying to have a wistful goodbye moment to yourself, cracked me the fuck up. The gravel in your voice when you're older is just... *chef's kiss* We love a grizzled man. And I would absolutely fucking hug you, you got that bit right. The life of an adventurer is a touch-starved one. The fact that the innkeeper subtly pined for her is lovely, even if he did miss the signals coming back. All of the flavor you put into the stories about the town, made me smile and laugh and drew me in. A werewolf in a old timey nightdress and little wire-rimmed glasses is so sweet and cute. "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere - anyways" That got me. Instant tears in my eyes. "I have a painting of you on my nightstand!" - yes and??? All the more reason to let me stay! Curling up to cuddle a werewolf with poor circulation - I'll keep your paws warm. :P Flexing with the strength bracelet is fucking adorable - it's like clanging the bell with the sledgehammer at the test of strength on the boardwalk. The fact that he tried to pick up the slack when she left, and probably is a bit worse for wear for it, is sweet. "I am not going to describe the inner workings of a feral mind" - I laughed. Are you going to offend my delicate sensibilities?! Heavens forbid! :) "A good friend" "my best friend in the world" - ahhhh, you wound me! "I mourned longingly" - that's more like it The fact that I would run into a werewolf, and upon realizing that I know them, would demand UPPIES - is so fucking on brand. Building up the tension to a kiss is so good. SO GOOD. I'm kicking my feet in delight. Teasing for more kisses? YES PLEASE. "Remember you're on a beast, after all" - oh I'm WELL aware "The years have only served to make you more gorgeous" - that fucking got me. Vel. VEL. "Now, now, come back to me" - Not gonna lie, needed that, was getting a bit overwhelmed by emotions for a sec. Plus it's just nice to hear. "You didn't even wait for the full moon to go" - I audibly responded "I couldn't." (Yes, I talk back to audios. Hush.) I absolutely love, love when your breath hitches while you're talking, because you're too overcome - that's that GOOD shit. "I want you to ride me, scratch me, bite me, use me" You don't have to ask twice. I love that he asks her to look in his eyes, multiple times throughout - make that deeper connection, yes please. "Let's close that gap between you and I" Absolutely. "That little space left feels like nothing at all, does it?" Ooh that's good. You're good. "Put that tongue back in your mouth" - *pouts* FINE. :P "the only thing I care about is that your ass feels like it was meant for my fucking hands, especially in this form. it just feels right." - goddamn, okay, all right! *nods eagerly* Mounting you is going to the top of the list, pal, don't worry. "Stop moving your hips, this feels fucking illegal" - The girl's still got some moves! The point where he grabs hold and fucks up into her - that's the stuff. Yes please. "A dream come true for a monster in the woods" - oh I love it Being told that your body is divine is - Wonderful. Truly. Laughing about worrying about breaking the bed - and then losing my damn mind at being picked up and taken like that. Holy fuck. "Should I give you what you were missing, all those years you were gone?" UMMM YES PLEASE. The fucking finale, jesus christ - I can't even. "We're not done until you're full." *dies* So ungodly hot. And then the sweetness of being asked to stay, and being told that you're wanted and desired just as you are - it's beautiful and perfect. And ending it with a couple laughs and the sweetest little moment, a spank and a kiss. Ahhhhhh. Hopefully this is enough feedback for you :P TL;DR - It was fucking amazing and I loved it.