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"You go along with Tex & Vel on their camping trip and things turn hotter than expected. Who knew Tex liked to watch? And Vel..."

Alright, I massively apologize for this being late. End of period has made my real life job hell, and I should have delayed this until I had more time. That being said, I think this may be one of the best audios I have ever made. Ever wanted to hear Vel fucklick you while Tex fills you up and buries himself into your shoulder? Well here you are.

More MM4F to come this month!

Notes: The first fifteen minutes are SFW and set up, the remainder is bi as FUCK.

Ps: had to fix a minor thing, this is the same as the earlier post.



BI AS FUCK BI AS FUCK thank you for the bi meal mr. vel <3 <3

