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Long night. Just wanted to share where my head was at. Tex today. <3


miss victory

Oi - take a breath. You sound like you're a little down on yourself right now bc you're touching on being burned out. And honestly? No shit. Your patreon is the most active I've ever seen. So please give yourself permission to take your foot off the gas for a minute. No creative can churn out quality content on a daily basis without losing touch. Call it shifting the goal posts if you want but the fact is you're one guy. Take into consideration the sheer time sink of making a quality audio and I'm hands down baffled as to how you can simultaneously maintain a full time job and your upload schedule. So please take your own foot off your neck and let yourself recharge. You're a darling, Vel. Treat yourself accordingly 🫶

miss victory

Also, I think I can safely say that your audience would prefer a happy & healthy real world Vel before any audio. This medium is fun as hell but don't rake yourself over the coals for it. It's supposed to be fun for you too.