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Looking back on where I began:

When I started this whole audio thing, I really had no idea what I was doing. I used an Audio-Technica USB microphone that didn't even have a stand. I put it in a tissue box to prop it up, and put a blanket around my head. Here I am now, one year after doing my first paid post, and y'all have truly changed my life. I will always strive to be the best version of Vel I can be so that when I post my two year, it feels as shocking looking back as the one year did. Without further ado, let's chat about some of the amazing things coming up.

Things Happening Now

Anniversary Celebration: Every Friday for the entire month of June, I will be releasing a new MM4F available at all tiers for Patrons to enjoy. They certainly are a labor of love, but y'all's love is the whole reason I am here, so I figured it was only fair! These are a ton of fun to record live, and I would love for you to come listen. We record audios live every Sunday at 7:30PM EDT, and it's always a blast.

Masterlist & Discord Bot: With the help of the amazing Taliyawrites, there is now a brand new way to interact with my audios! In our wonderful discord, there is now a bot that is there to assist you in finding any kind of audio you like. Simply join and react to the bot, and it will pick an audio for you based on whatever tags you like. This goes hand in hand with recent updates to the full masterlist of audios, and I hope it makes it easier to find your favorites!

There will be a fully functional website with the same features soon enough, but this will bridge the gap for now!

Stardew Velley: You can now add me to your Stardew Valley game! I have worked with a really talented pixel artist to bring Vel to life in Pelican town. You can find the mod and all current instructions in the stardew-tech-support channel of the discord. It will be released for non-patrons soon on a modding site for stardew, but it is here for you to enjoy now! I would love to see any screenshots people take, and I really hope you enjoy it.

Stream Schedule: From now on, I will be streaming every other Sunday on twitch, with a focus on doing some really fun events. The schedule will be posted on all my socials regularly for people to check in and see what is coming up. My next two planned are:

June 23rd 3PM - GWA tag tier list

July 7th 3PM - Lego Hand Cam Stream

Things Happening Soon

Kink Academy: Through the whole month of July I will be releasing educational audios about kink, both here on Patreon as well as on my Youtube! These will range from education about singular topics, to full instructional pieces on things you can do to take your first steps. Some may even be a bit spicy, we'll see.

A Journey North: This is the big announcement. This is the one that I am equal parts terrified and excited about. Everyone has very vocally requested some SFW content, so I will be releasing a fully narrated and developed SFW mystery series. More details are to come as we get closer to September, but expect a story full of intrigue, light horror, and friendship. The first season will be ten full-length thirty minute episodes, and I expect it to last for three full seasons. I am so excited to share more about A Journey North, and you'll be sure to hear more about it soon.


Nothing could have ever prepared me for any of this. I suppose this is as good a time as any to say it, but I will be going full time in January, next year. From the moment I started this Patreon, it was real, but putting in a notice takes it to another level. I just get to create content I love for a community I love, and I can support my friends while I do it? It may have been a dream, but it's real now, and I have each and every one of you to thank for that.

Till' next moan,




I’m really happy I discovered you last summer! Happy Anniversary! You’ve created such a great community, and every audio you release has been such a joy to listen to! Cheers to you🎉


Happy Anniversary! So excited for the SFW series. And congrats on your soon to be full time status!