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Tex has wanted to learn bondage for Vel's sake for a while, and you seem more than happy to help. You expected Vel to be into it! What you didn't expect was a side of him you're never seen.

Happy one year to the library! A new MM4F every Friday this month. :)



Literally couldn’t even hold my phone after this audio,,,,,,,,,,,,,


PLEASE the unhinged rambles from Vel holy shiiiiiiiiiiit it’s gonna be on loop at the back of my head

Gracie 💕👑

"iT's nOt tHe sAmE sHiT, tHeY'rE diFfeReNt pEopLeS" LMFAOOOOOO 🤣 Tex is hilarious. If I wasn't already Team Tex, I definitely am now. 🤠❤️