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The daily life of a part time pornstar is odd, and often confusing. You always feel like two people, who can never meet. As someone who proudly makes spicy content, I wish I could be Vel at all times, but it just isn’t realistic. I have to manage the perception of almost everyone in my life, with some exception. People like my head mod, Clean, have always been a grounding force in helping me stay sane. They let me relax and be me; both Vel and [X] at the same time. I always spend time with him before recording nights, and the days I don’t, I feel the flow of creativity slow. One of these days I will hopefully write something more poignant about my appreciation for him, but for now, I will express my thanks here. He’s someone who I’ve experienced life with for over a decade, and I’m proud to call him my friend.

For those who may not know, I’ve been in Europe (for both work and pleasure) for about eight days now. Everywhere I’ve been has been incredible, and I may write a little travel blog when I get back, if I can find a way to do it without doxxing myself. Astute members of the Library may have remembered previous trips, back when I travelled much more for work. They were stressful, exhausting endeavors, often filled with expectations and fear of consequence if I couldn’t get the job done. This one has felt comparatively like a cold breeze on a hot day. I’ve spent a good amount of time thinking about why that is. Why has my stressful life gotten less stressful the more I take on?

The answer is what compelled me to write this. It’s you all. It’s every listener, on any platform, who make me feel weightless despite working harder than I ever have. I see the joy that Vel brings, and validates every late night and early morning. As I sit on beaches and in business meetings, I find myself jotting down notes for new concepts, big projects, and small horny voice notes in discord (I’ve been on fire in there lately btw) and enjoying every minute of it.

This trip has magnified those feelings in a way I couldn’t have predicted. My creativity flows more freely, my stress has dropped significantly, and I find it amusing that my coworkers think I’m writing a very complicated business proposal in my hotel room when in reality I’m drafting horny tweets. I look forward to the day that I can feel this way all the time. It felt like a dream six months ago, and I continue to grow in a way that I truly feel blessed by. Perhaps six months from now I’ll moan for you in a small AirBnB from Seoul or Frankfurt. That seems fun, no?

In the spirit of wrapping things up and talking about the future, I figured I could spoil one small thing here for those who made it to the end, you champion you. In just under one month, Sunday, June 9th, I will be streaming Hades 2, and announcing some extremely exciting projects every hour on the hour, including the largest project I have ever done, with help some of the most wonderful people in the space. I won’t tease what they are just yet, but you’ll see little hints in the next few weeks. I’m excited to see if anyone guesses right.

Until then,


Ps. I wonder who everyone romances in Stardew Valley?


Holly A.

It makes me so happy to read about how light you’ve been feeling! I hope you can feel like this more and more. ❤️ Excited to see what you have in store. The first character I romanced in Stardew Valley was Abigail, my goth girl. But I’ve romanced others, every save I try a different bachelor/bachelorette to see more of their story. Harvey and Haley are sweeter than I thought they’d be. (I’ve also romanced Sebastian, right after Abigail.)


Sebastian, always Sebastian 🖤

Mus ~~

We have nothing but respect and love and admiration for you and what you do. I'm so glad that you are able to feel our care and appreciation for you and your works. You deserve all the exciting joy and serene ecstasy possible. (Perhaps an 80-day World Tour series, Jules Verne style..?)