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Hello everyone, Big News Is Happening!

-> Right now with my busy schedule, Patreon doesn't feel like the right place to be sharing my work. It's been too stressful worrying about getting comics finished after a long day of scrubbing toilets, and it doesn't sit well with me to ask for a monthly payment when some months it's difficult to get anything done at all.

-> That being said I'm not quite ready to launch all that I have planned, I'll have a better post made sometime soon about where you can find me and view my work for free, as well as where/how you can continue to support me.

-> My page is currently paused, there will be no charge on January 1st

-> Also, you can join the Discord here -> -> -> HERE <- <- <- where I am thinking of adding an honorary role for supporters who were here during the 'Reon days. It's got everything that's been going on here and will continue to be kept up to date. (All content is free, but please bear in mind it is a work in progress and I will probably be editing it a bit in the coming months.)


I'm going to do one more piece for you all!! One last send off into that great unknown of story making and adventure, all you have to do is decide:

Woah Dilly, Or Undertale?