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With all the video profiles in the Greatest Peaks series completed, I hope you'll submit your top-10 multi-year peaks (after 1977). Here's how to submit a ballot:

1. Open this link: https://www.questionpro.com/t/ARUTlZlexh

2. Drag and drop your top players until you have your top-10 in order

3. YES, you can include players who weren't featured in the series

Some things to remember: 

  • This is not best single-year peak, so if there are players you feel had a standout single season, please try to average their performance over at least 2 years. (That might make your list feel a little different than usual.)
  • For Kareem, please stick to his post-merger peak. If you want to include 1976 or something, that's fine, but even if you think he peaked in Milwaukee, please rank his Lakers peak only. 
  • You'll notice there are no years listed next to the players -- it's fine to use different years if you disagree with my choices. 

I'll try to address any other questions in the comments 



1) what's the password? 2) when's the deadline to vote, I kinda want to watch all the videos again


Yo Ben my dawg Ima need that password


My guy be thinking "what's taking them so long? They must be thinking hard..."


Ben, make the password H2Mass


How long it would be for the last episode?


Is that website tracks IPs? I submitted a vote but now having second thoughts about it and would like to change it. Link opens up but if it doesn't change, I don't want to compromise the results with extra vote.


Guys you know what to do..... AI #1!!!!


With the option to add players I submitted Chris Paul 2009, and Jokic 2021. Not that I think they necessarily crack the top 10 but I do think CP3 was comparable to Steph and Nash who were options, and Jokic IMO is having a very modern Larry Bird type of season this year.


I like the Jokic selection though, 20 and 21 will be looked back on fondly.


Larry Legend's 3-year 3x MVP run has to be #1 for me. Also, very tough for guys like MJ and LeBron (Magic?) who had multiple peaks!


Did the Steph video come out???


How long will it be for the last episode??


1. Lebron 2. MJ 3. Shaq 4. Larry 5. Magic 6. Curry 7. Hakeem 8. Kareem 9. Kd 10. Tim SUPER tough and I really look forward to seeing how everyone else votes.


Curious to why you put LeBron over MJ? Ben may have been more critical of MJ in his episode especially in terms of defense but the end result I think stays the same. As for me, my Top 10 goes like this: 1. MJ 2. LeBron 3. Shaq 4. Hakeem 5. Curry 6. KG 7. Tim Duncan 8. Kareem (Only because the chosen years were 77-79) 9. Larry Bird 10. Magic Johnson


My Top 10: 1. MJ 2. Kareem 3. Shaq 4. Lebron 5. Hakeem 6. Duncan 7. Bird 8. Magic 9. Kobe 10. Wade The way I see it Peak MJ basically gives you 5-6 more ppg than anyone else on really good efficiency. excellent creation and historically low turnovers. And while he's not a defensive anchor like most big men he's still cream of the crop on D among perimeter players and has no weaknesses in his game at least in his era. And at the end of the day it makes no sense to compare anyway than within their own era. He has to be #1 for me. As an individual player he is the best ever.


Mj over lebron very likely is correct. I think I give lebron the nod here purely because I find him just a hair more scalable. Able to guard more positions, better outside shooter, better passer. But I still expect MJ to get the #1 spot after the voting and I can't disagree with it. All these dudes are super close but especially the top 2


Actually I think Jordan is the more scalable one. LeBron has less options as a scorer than Jordan, he doesn't fit well with every player, while Jordan was a more complete scorer, so he can be good in every offense. On the other side, as you said, LeBron is more versatile on defense.


You're right, I didn't consider the multi-year... Depending on if you give more weight to regular season/playoffs Joker has had a monster last 2 playoff runs + MVP type of season this year. That's a strong multi-year example for him. Real test for him will be next year and going forward. His peak might still be coming or starting this season, he gets a little better defensively every year and seems to be taking his body a bit more seriously as well. CP3 would have a strong two year 2008-2009 but missed almost half the season in what would be the third year so that hurts him. I think CP3 was incredibly underrated in that stretch. You look at his numbers and he's very close to a Steve Nash/Curry realm of scoring+passing.. I know he's not quite at their level of shooting but 50/36/87% with much better defense than either of them is pretty impressive as well.. I know all Ben's metrics reward how good you are on great teams, but that same logic can hurt someone like CP3 who got 56 wins out of David West and Peja.. I think that's every bit as impressive as some years guys like LeBron, KG, MJ had before they had great teams around them.