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Hey all! As some of you know, I'm in the process of adding some features here and at Backpicks. 

  • First, there's a new Patreon Tier - $7 a month for "Deluxe" access to in-season stats and a more intimate monthly Q&A on Discord. Still ironing out details, but the plan is to have basically every Thinking Basketball stat available on Backpicks throughout the year. 
  • Second, I'm trying to move all data (and more) to Backpicks. A bunch is already up and accessible --> www.backpicks.com under "METRICS" and then "HISTORICAL." 
  • You'll also see more data posted there as content goes up throughout the year, including data from my recent podcasts with Danny Leroux. 
  • **The player database is loading very slowly -- working on a solution for this right now. Also note that it takes a few minutes to show up on my end for me right now, but then the entire database is searchable and accessible. 
  • Finally, there's a new Discord community. I'm really excited about this, mainly so more of you can connect -- I've had great private interactions with so many of you -- and I'll pop my head and in and out of the main chat when I can. Rob Antle will be the primary moderator.  Hoping this will spark more discussion and content ideas, and have some fun ideas for sharing video clips. 

If you haven't connected to Discord, here are the steps:

1. Go to your profile settings by clicking on your account avatar in the upper right. 

2. Click on "Apps" at the top of the screen 

3. Under App Integrations, connect to Discord

4. Log in to (or create) a Discord account -- Patreon should automatically show you the Thinking Basketball patreon and connect you based on your membership tier. 

Full details can be found here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-#h_a3a13f16-01d6-4e71-8040-fc3b91183ed7

Let me know if you have questions. Thanks!


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