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I'm currently making the girls bedrooms to be accessible at home. Right now, I only made head petting scenes for every party member. But soon I'll work on ass and breast groping for every girl in the party.

It's basically the Richelle ass groping scene from the last update

Here's some OBS footage of one of them. Sorry for the POTATO RESOLUTION, Patreon is very stingy with file size, I had to downsize the gif to a quarter of the original resolution.

I thought it would be easier to reuse the same animation for everyone with minimal fine tuning, but everyone's heads and height made it very hard for me to re-use it. So I more or less had to do the same two animations for every girl in the party. Hopefully It won't take for me to animate every ass and breast groping scene.



Long Tran

Headpats? ...How lewd...!