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Once again, I have not got a story around this image. Or rather, I have too many stories. As I was drawing, different scenarios came into my mind. At the beginning, I thought the tickler would be younger. Then, I wanted him to have his clothes on, but I thought "he looks too good in the buff, let's keep him this way". And I thought of the many possible relationships between tickler and ticklee and decided the best option was to leave it to your imagination. 

So, it's up to you. Where is this scene taking place? Who are those two guys? How did they get into this situation? You tell me. Maybe some of your ideas will come close to some of the ideas I had. Maybe not. Surprise me!




This, drawing gets me too worked up to even think of a story. This guy is so adorable ....who could resist tickling him ? ;)


Your gut reaction is also the right reaction. At this game, everybody wins!