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Well, the title says it all, doesn't it?

I leave it to you to imagine how those two got into this predicament and who did it to them.



Morten Tinnesand

I suppose that the two men were found a little too drunk on their way after a night in a bar. So they were offered a ride but they were too drunk to tell where they lived. What they did not know was that the one who picked them up had been talking with them earlier that night about their interests in bondage. The two men were driven to a place outside town and the driver tied them up in a somewhat comfortable position. As drunk as the two men were, they could hardly resist when the driver tied them up. When the one with the grey beard tried to talk, the driver decided that "freedom of speech" is overrated and decided to tie his mouth to the pole, while warning the other one that if he stayed quiet, he would be allowed to speak when the driver had left. The two drunk men were watching the driver leave. Thy could hear that the door was locked before the driver left them. Anyway how much they tried, they were unable to release themselves. Finally they fell asleep. When they woke up many hours later they tried a new attempt too release themselves to no avail. An hour or so later, the driver came back. He looked at them. "I guess you are enjoying each others company. I am not going to disturb you too much but may drop in every now and then to make sure that you stay out of trouble. I wish you a pleasant day. See you later and take care of yourself". Then he left them, locking the door. The only thing the two men could do was to sit and wait. With the mouth restraining rope they could not even talk to each other.


Wow these two are adorable!