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Now came the part that Miles was good at – training the “guest” into doing whatever he was supposed to do. Of course, he wasn’t expected to jump through hoops, at least, not that early in the training (later on, who knows?) But that first part was proving difficult enough for the hapless “guest” whom Miles had decided to call Piglet. The bloke was overweight and in clear need of some physical exercise. Teaching him to walk proper-like was a prerequisite.



Chris Lin

I love the scenario but feel that the guest got off easy with dick not properly locked in chastity…

Morten Tinnesand

"Piglet" is definitely going through a tough program. It is still somewhat unclear what kind of agreement has been done in advance but it becomes obviously that the training is going to be hard. And Miles is definitely taking advantage of "Piglet's" beard. The "mouth restraint" and the fact that "Piglet's" hands are tied behind the back forces "Piglet" to do exact what is requested by Miles. Will "Piglet" get some "punishment exercise" if he does not "deliver" to Miles' demands?


The beard tying was suggested to me years ago by a friend who had a lovely long beard. I can assure you that it's not as easy IRL as I make it look in the drawing. Miles must have a lot of experience doing that.