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Ron had always been the bragging type. He would spin any old tall tale at the gay bar just to impress the young guys. Now, they wouldn’t usually believe him, nobody is that naïve, but at least Ron’s stories were always entertaining and the old man would buy a drink to any and all willing to listen.

Ron’s number one problem was – he would start to believe his own stories. So, when that new young guy, Jeremy, started to come to the gay bar regularly, as soon as he heard that Jeremy was into tickling, Ron couldn’t resist bragging how he wasn’t ticklish at all, never had been, never would be.

There was an evil glint in Jeremy’s eyes when he heard that:

“Dare you, then!”

“Dare me to do what?” Ron had asked.

“To let me tickle you! If you don’t laugh, then you’re not ticklish, like you said.”

“And what do I get out of that?”

“Well,” Jeremy had smiled, “even when the guy’s not ticklish, just playing with a guy’s feet always get me hot and bothered. So, are you game?”

“You bet I am!” Ron had said, swallowing the last of his beer.

Ron’s number two problem was – he would do anything, any dumb thing, just to get into some sweet-faced young guy’s pants.

Later that night, at Jeremy’s place, he had soon come to regret it. After he had been securely fastened to the young man’s “tickling bed”, it had taken less than five minutes for him to realize how “not ticklish” he really was.

Jeremy had smiled and said:

“Oh, I forgot to tell you what happened if I did make you laugh. You see, it also makes me hot and bothered, but I really enjoy it. So, I get to tickle you as long as I please… Hope you don’t mind!”

Ron couldn’t answer. He was too busy laughing.




Both of these guys are so lucky :)

Morten Tinnesand

When Jeremy finally is finished tickling Ron, Jeremy is way too exhausted to even think about releasing Ron. So Ron is definitely going to spend som time in Ron's "tickling bed" where there is only space for one person. And how many drinks did Ron have in that gay bar? And the way Jeremy is tied, he has no chance to get even close to Ron's body when Ron is sleeping.