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Joe has been dying to find out if Ben is ticklish. And now, he's just seized a good opportunity to find out.



Uncle Grubber

More fun if Joe had waited until he had Ben nicely tied down. That look of "Oh no! There's no escape" as Ben realises that Joe has found the perfect way to intensify his bondage fun. Shame you're not in London this Friday, Christian, you could share the "pleasure" with a real life (but younger) Ben and some friends ;-)

Morten Tinnesand

In this case, Ben is not tied up in advance, which would put Joe in grat danger if Ben is so ticklish that he loses his control and may hit or even kick Joe. And I also see that the other comments except Ben to be tied before any attempt on tickling.


Even though it's the first time Joe tickles Ben, he knows him well enough that he can control the situation. This is a bit of roughhousing and both men know when enough is enough. And so far, Ben hasn't asked him to stop.