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Charles is back! Somebody suggested this name for our dreaming daddy when he first appeared (on the 6th of February 2021, for those who are keeping track) and I think that name fits him to a "T". As you can see, Charles' fantasies are getting more extreme as time goes by. Not being able to make his fantasies come to life is probably very frustrating for him. Maybe he should be put in touch with one of our regular Masters, like Markus? What do you think?



Christian Carbone

Mmmmm. You could dream and imagine it all you want. But sometimes you just gotta take a risk and dive in. Dive in, ill take care of you

Morten Tinnesand

Markus appears to be a man in the right age, and should know to handle those slightly older than him when he also is old enough to know the limits. I guess Markus is very well known with the Golden rule - "Do to others what you want them to do to you" - an in that way can help Charles let his dreams come through. And for Markus to be a little more cruel but not doing any harm, he ties charles up securely and chain him to the wall with a collar. He can the tease Charles for a while and jerking him off. There i no way Charles can prevent this. Then Markus simply keeps Charles tied up without doing anything else than enjoying the sight of Charles. When Markus see Charles getting horny, he jacks Charles off again, continuing until Charles' horny feelings are exhausted. Keep Charles tied for a long while, maybe more than 24 hours. And if Charles is becoming noisy or talking too much, a "noise reduction" that also gives Charles something to chew on is always worth considering.