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Hi everyone. 

Lately, I've been hard at work on a new ebook in my Jeryn's World Series available on Gumroad. This is a very special issue. Up till now, Jeryn's World was a compilation of already published material, running to 11 and 12 pages for issues 1 and 2 respectively.

Issue 3 started the same way, but at some point, I decided to extend the story of TV repairman Husseyn who is given a spiked drink while repairing TVs in a stately mansion and wakes up in a… ropey situation. First I made the original text longer. Then I decided to partially re-draw one of the two illustrations. Then I decided to add one extra illustration, then another, then another. In the end, Husseyn's story has three brand-new never-seen-before images and is quite a bit longer and better developed. 

Add to that that I am now using a proper design software, I am very happy with Jeryn's World 3, which is a whopping 27 pages long. So I have raised the price from 8 to 12 dollars… but I once again you, my Patreon supporters can get a 25% discount by clicking on this link :


I hope you have as much fun reading this issue as I had making it!




It's even more complicated than that! VAT is different according to the type of product or service you are selling. That's 5.5% for books, whether they are print books or ebooks. I won't even try to calculate that! :)


I was very nice story lines and horny pictures to go along with them. Thanks for sharing your vision.


Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. Interestingly, they are indeed my "vision", as very often, the picture comes first and then I start to figure out what could be going on.